Maurice Allais

Curriculum Vitae


Born in Paris May 31, 1911, Paris, France
1931-1933 Ecole Polytechnique, ranked first on graduation
1934-1936 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Paris
1949 University of Paris, Faculty of Science, Doctor-Engineer
Academic appointments
1944 – Professor of Economics, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Paris
1944-1970 Director, Group of Economic and Social Research, Paris
1946 – Director, Economic Analysis Centre (National Centre for Scientific Research and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Paris)
1946-1980 Director of a Research Unit, National Centre for Scientific Research
1947-1968 Professor of Theoretical Economics, Institute of Statistics,
University of Paris
1947-1980 Member, National Committee of the National Centre for Scientific Research
1967-1970 Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva
1970-1985 Director, Seminar of Monetary Analysis at the University of Paris-X
Nonacademic offices
1937-1943 Head of the Mines Service, Nantes, and in charge of Railway Control
September 1939 –
July 1940
Lieutenant (Artillery), French Alpine Army
1943-1948 Director, Bureau of Mines Documentation and Statistics, Paris
1944 – Engineer General Honorary of the Mines National Corps
1960-1961 Member, Energy Commission of the French Economic and Social Council
1963-1964 Chairman, Commission of Experts for the Study of Options in the Transport Tariff Policy, European Economic Community
Honors and fellowships
1933 Prix Laplace and Prix Rivot of the Academy of Sciences for his rank (first) on graduation from the Ecole Polytechnique
1949 Fellow of the International Econometric Society
December 20, 1949 Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques
1951 Member of the International Statistical Institute
1952-1984 Member, Editorial Board, Revue d ‘Economie Politique
1954 Prix Charles Dupin of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences for his book, A la Recherche d’une Discipline Economique (In Quest of an Economic Discipline), 1943
1956 Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences
1958 Fellow of the Operations Research Society of America
1958 The Lanchester Prize of the Johns Hopkins University and the Operations Research Society of America for the outstanding paper on operations research published in 1957, Method of Appraising Economic Prospects of Mining Exploration over Large Territories – Algerian Sahara Case Study.
1958-1959 Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Thomas Jefferson Center, University of Virginia
1959-1969 Member of the Editorial Board, Econometrica (together with Ragnar Frisch, Milton Friedman, Tjalling Koopmans, Wassily Leontieff, and Richard Stone)
1959 Prix Joseph Dutens of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences for his work, La Gestion des Houillères Nationalisées et la Théorie Economique (The Management of Nationalized Coal Mines and Economic Theory), 1953
1959 Prix Galabert of the French Astronautical Society for his research on gravity and the movement of the paraconical pendulum
1959 Laureate, Gravity Research Foundation, USA, for his memoir, New Theoretical and Experimental Research Work on Gravity, 1959
1960 Grand Prix de la Communauté Atlantique of the French Association for the Atlantic Community for his book, L’Europe Unie, Route de la Prospérité “ (United Europe and the Road of Prosperity), 1959
1960-1965 Member, Council of the Econometric Society
March 5, 1962 Chevalier dans l’Ordre de l’Economie Nationale
1968 Grand Prix André Arnoux of the Association for Economic Liberty and Social Progress for his whole work
1970 Gold Medal of the Society for the Promotion of National Industry for his whole work
July 1972 Elected Chairman of the Association Française de Science Economique (Resigned for reasons of health, October 1972)
1976 Honorary Member of the American Economic Association
July 14, 1977 Officier dans l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur )
1978 Gold Medal of the National Centre for Scientific Research for his whole work
1983 Prix Robert Blanché of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences for his memoir, Fréquence, Probabilité et Hasard (Frequency, Probability and Chance), 1982
1984 Grand Prix Zerilli Marimó of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences for his whole work
1987 Prix spécial du Jury, on the occasion of the creation of the “Prix Dupuit-de-Lesseps”, for his whole work on the economy of transport infrastructures
Honorary degrees
1964 Doctor honoris causa, University of Groningen

From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 1988, Editor Tore Frängsmyr, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1989

This CV was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel/Nobel Lectures. The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Maurice Allais died on 9 October 2010.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1988

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MLA style: Maurice Allais – Curriculum vitae. Nobel Prize Outreach 2025. Sat. 1 Mar 2025. <>

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