Samuel Beckett


Works in English
Whoroscope : Poem on Time. – Paris : Hours, 1930
Proust. – London : Chatto & Windus, 1931 ; New York : Grove, 1957
More Pricks Than Kicks. – London : Chatto & Windus, 1934 ; New York : Grove, 1970
Echo’s Bones and Other Precipitates. – Paris : Europa, 1935
Murphy. – London : Routledge, 1938 ; New York : Grove, 1957
Watt. – Paris : Olympia, 1953 ; New York : Grove, 1959 ; London : Calder, 1963
All That Fall. – New York : Grove, 1957 ; London : Faber & Faber, 1957
From an Abandoned Work. – London : Faber, 1958
Krapp’s Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces. – New York : Grove, 1960. – Comprises Krapp’s Last Tape, All That Fall, Embers, Act Without Words I, and Act Without Words II
Happy Days. – New York : Grove, 1961; London : Faber, 1962
Poems in English. – London : Calder, 1961 ; New York : Grove, 1963
Play and Two Short Pieces for Radio. – London : Faber, 1964
Eh Joe and Other Writings. – London : Faber, 1967. – Comprises Eh Joe, Act Without Words II, and Film
Breath and Other Shorts. – London : Faber, 1972. – Comprises Breath, Come and Go, Act Without Words I, Act Without Words II, and From an Abandoned Work
Not I. – London : Faber, 1973
That Time. – London : Faber, 1976
Fizzles. – New York : Grove, 1976
All Strange Away. – New York : Gotham Book Mart, 1976 ; London : Calder, 1979
Footfalls. – London : Faber, 1976
Ends and Odds : Eight New Dramatic Pieces. – New York : Grove, 1976. – Comprises Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio, Theatre I, Theatre II, Radio I, and Radio II
Ends and Odds : Plays and Sketches. – London : Faber, 1977. – Comprises Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio, Theatre I, Theatre II, Radio I,Radio II, and but the clouds …
Four Novellas. – London : Calder, 1977. – comprises First Love, The Expelled, The Calmative, and The End
Expelled, and Other Novellas. – New York : Penguin, 1980. – comprises First Love, The Expelled, The Calmative, and The End
Company. – New York : Grove, 1980
Nohow On : Three Novels. – New York : Grove, 1980. – comprises Company, Ill Seen, Ill Said, and Worstward Ho
Rockaby and Other Short Pieces. – New York : Grove, 1981. – Comprises Rockaby, Ohio Impromptu, All Strange Away, and A Piece of Monologue
Three Plays. – New York : Grove, 1984. – Comprises Ohio Impromptu, Catastrophe, and What Where
As the Story Was Told. – Cambridge : Rampant Lions, 1987
Stirrings Still. – New York : Blue Moon, 1988 ; London : Calder, 1988
Dream of Fair to Middling Women / edited by Eoin O’Brien and Edith Fournier. – Dublin : Black Cat Press, 1992
Works in French
Molloy. – Paris : Minuit, 1951
Malone meurt. – Paris : Minuit, 1951
En attendant Godot. – Paris : Minuit, 1952
L’innommable. – Paris : Minuit, 1953
Nouvelles et Textes pour rien. – Paris : Minuit, 1955
Fin de partie, suivi de Acte sans paroles. – Paris : Minuit, 1957
Têtes-Mortes. – Paris : Minuit, 1967. – Éd. Augm. 1972
Acte sans paroles II // Dramatische Dichtungen. – Vol. 1. – Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1963
Comment c’est. – Paris : Minuit, 1961
Imagination morte imaginez. – Paris : Minuit, 1965
Assez. – Paris : Minuit, 1966
Bing. – Paris : Minuit, 1966
Poèmes. – Paris : Minuit, 1968
Sans. – Paris : Minuit, 1969
Le Dépeupleur. – Paris : Minuit, 1970
Mercier et Camier. – Paris : Minuit, 1970
Premier amour. – Paris : Minuit, 1970
Pour finir encore et autres foirades. – Paris : Minuit, 1976
Poèmes , suivi de Mirlitonnades. – Paris : Minuit, 1978
Catastrophe et autres dramaticules. – Paris : Minuit, 1982
Eleuthéria. – Paris : Minuit, 1995
Translations into English
Molloy / translated by the author and Patrick Bowles. – Paris : Olympia, 1955 ; New York : Grove, 1955
Malone Dies / translated by the author. – New York : Grove, 1956 ; London : Calder, 1958
Waiting for Godot / translated by the author. – New York : Grove, 1954 ; London : Faber, 1956. – Rev. ed. / edited by Douglas McMillan and James Knowleson. – London : Faber, 1993
The Unnamable. – New York : Grove, 1958 ; London : Calder & Boyars, 1975
Stories and Texts for Nothing / translated by the author. – New York : Grove, 1967
Endgame, followed by Act Without Words / translated by the author. – New York : Grove, 1958 ; London : Faber, 1958
How It Is / translated by the author. – New York : Grove, 1964 ; London : Calder, 1964
Imagination Dead Imagine / translated by the author. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1965
No’s Knife : Collected Shorter Prose, 1945-1966 / translated from the French by the author and Richard Seaver. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1967
Lessness / translated by the author. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1970
The Lost Ones / translated by the author. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1972 ; New York : Grove, 1972
Mercier and Camier / translated by the author. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1974 ; New York : Grove, 1975
First Love / translated by the author. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1973
For to End Yet Again and Other Fizzles / translated by the author. – London : Calder, 1976
Eleutheria : A Play in Three Acts / translated by Michael Brodsky. – New York : Foxrock, 1995
Eleuthéria. – translated by Barbara Wright. – London : Faber, 1996
Translations into French
Murphy / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Bordas, 1947
Watt / translated into French by the author, Ludovic Janvier, and Agnès Janvier. – Paris : Minuit, 1968
Tous ceux qui tombent / translated into French by the author and Robert Pinget. – Paris : Minuit, 1957
La Dernière Bande, suivi de Cendres / translated into French by the author and Pierre Leiris. – Paris : Minuit, 1960
Oh les beaux jours / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1963
Comédie et actes divers / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1966
Film / translated into French by the author. – Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1968
Film, suivi de Souffle / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1972
Oh les beaux jours, suivi de Pas moi / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1975
Cette fois / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1978
Foirade = Fizzles. – Bilingual ed. / translated into French by the author. – London & New York : Petersburg, 1976 ; Paris : Fequet & Baudier, 1976
Pas / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1977
Compagnie / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1979
Mal vu mal dit / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1981
Berceuse, suivi de Impromptu d’Ohio / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1982
Solo, suivi de Catastrophe / translated into French by the author. – Paris : Minuit, 1982
The Collected Works of Samuel Beckett. – 16 vol. – New York : Grove, 1970
Collected Poems in English and French. – New York : Grove, 1977 ; London : Calder, 1977
Disjecta : Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment / edited by Ruby Cohn. – London : Calder, 1983 ; New York : Grove, 1983
Collected Shorter Plays. – New York : Grove, 1984 ; London : Faber, 1984
Collected Poems 1930-1978. – London : Calder, 1984
Collected Shorter Prose, 1945-1980. – London : Calder, 1984
The Complete Dramatic Works. – London : Faber, 1986
Samuel Beckett : The Complete Short Prose, 1929-1989 / edited, with an introduction, by S. E. Gontarski. – New York : Grove, 1995
Poems : 1930-1989. – London : Calder, 2002
Samuel Beckett : The Grove Centenary Edition of Samuel Beckett. – 4 vol. / ed. by Paul Auster. – New York : Grove Press, 2006
Critical studies (a selection)
Esslin, Martin, The Theatre of the Absurd. – New York : Doubleday, 1961
Kenner, Hugh, Samuel Beckett : a Critical Study. – London : Calder, 1962
Fletcher, John, The Novels of Samuel Beckett. – London : Chatto & Windus, 1964
Tindall, William York, Samuel Beckett. – New York, 1964
Federman, Raymond, Journey to Chaos : Samuel Beckett’s Early Fiction. – Berkeley : Univ. of California Press, 1965
Samuel Beckett : a Collection of Critical Essays. – Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1965
Beckett at 60 : a Festschrift. – London : Calder & Boyars, 1967
Janvier, Ludovic, Pour Samuel Beckett. – Paris : Editions de Minuit, 1969
Samuel Beckett Now : Critical Approaches to His Novels, Poetry, and Plays. – Chicago, Ill., 1970
Hagberg, Per Olof, The Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter : a Comparative Analysis of Main Themes and Dramatic Technique. – Göteborg, 1972
Webb, Eugene, The Plays of Samuel Beckett. – London : Owen, cop. 1972
Samuel Beckett : the Critical Heritage. – London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979
Fletcher, John, Beckett : the Playwright. – New York : Hill and Wang, 1985
O’Brien, Eoin, The Beckett Country : Samuel Beckett’s Ireland. – London : Faber, 1986
Begam, Richard, Samuel Beckett and the End of Modernity. – Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1996
Cronin, Anthony, Samuel Beckett :the Last Modernist. – London : HarperCollins, 1996
Knowlson, James, Damned to Fame : the Life of Samuel Beckett. – London : Bloomsbury, 1996
Davies, Paul, Beckett and Eros : Death of Humanism. – Basingstoke : Macmillan, 2000
Atik, Anne, How it Was :a Memoir of Samuel Beckett. – London : Faber, 2001
Gordon, Lois G., Reading Godot. – New Haven, Conn. : Yale Univ. Press, 2002
Albright, Daniel, Beckett and aesthetics. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
Beckett Remembering, Remembering Beckett : Uncollected Interviews with Samuel Beckett and Memories of Those Who Knew Him. – London : Bloomsbury, 2006
Pilling, John., A Samuel Beckett Chronology. – Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

The Swedish Academy, 2006

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