The Nobel Prize laureates are required to give a lecture on a subject connected with the work for which the prize has been awarded according to the Nobel Foundation statutes. The lecture should be given before, or no later than six months after, the Nobel Prize award ceremony, which takes place in Stockholm or, in the case of the peace prize, in Oslo on 10 December.
Videos of Nobel Prize lectures in physics
Physics is a point of view
Nobel Prize lecture by John J. Hopfield
Boltzmann Machines
Nobel Prize lecture by Geoffrey Hinton
The Genesis of an Attosecond Pulse Train
Nobel Prize lecture by Pierre Agostini
Attosecond physics: exploring sub-atomic motions
Nobel Prize lecture by Ferenc Krausz
The route to attosecond pulses Attosecond Pulse Train
Nobel Prize lecture by Anne L’Huillier
From Einstein’s doubts to quantum technologies: non-locality a fruitful image
Nobel Prize lecture by Alain Aspect
Experimental proof that nonlocal quantum entanglement is real
Nobel Prize lecture by John Clauser
A Voyage through Quantum Wonderland
Nobel Prize lecture by Anton Zeilinger
Physical modelling of Earth’s climate
Nobel Prize lecture by Syukuro Manabe
The human footprint of climate change
Nobel Prize lecture by Klaus Hasselmann
Multiple equilibria
Nobel Prize lecture by Giorgio Parisi
Black Holes, Cosmology, and Space-Time Singularities
Nobel Prize lecture by Roger Penrose
A Forty Year Journey
Nobel Prize lecture by Reinhard Genzel
From the Possibility to the Certainty of a Supermassive Black Hole
Nobel Prize lecture by Andrea Ghez
How Physical Cosmology Grew
Nobel Prize lecture by James Peebles
Plurality of Worlds in the Cosmos: A Dream of Antiquity, A Modern Reality of Astrophysics
Nobel Prize lecture by Michel Mayor
Exoplanets: 51 Pegasis b and all the others …
Nobel Prize lecture by Didier Queloz
Optical Tweezers and their Application to Biological Systems
Nobel Prize lecture by Arthur Ashkin
Passion for Extreme Light: for the greatest benefit to human kind
Nobel Prize lecture by Gérard Mourou
Generating High-Intensity Ultrashort Optical Pulses
Nobel Prize lecture by Donna Strickland
LIGO and Gravitational Waves I
Nobel Prize lecture by Rainer Weiss
LIGO and Gravitational Waves II
Nobel Prize lecture by Barry C. Barish
LIGO and Gravitational Waves III
Nobel Prize lecture by Kip S. Thorne
Topological Quantum Matter
Nobel Prize lecture by F. Duncan M. Haldane
Topological Defects and Phase Transitions
Nobel Prize lecture by J. Michael Kosterlitz
Discovery of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
Nobel Prize lecture by Takaaki Kajita
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Observation of Flavor Change for Solar Neutrinos
Nobel Prize lecture by Arthur B. McDonald
Fascinated Journeys into Blue Light
Nobel Prize lecture by Isamu Akasaki
Growth of GaN on Sapphire via Low-Temperature Deposited Buffer Layer and Realization of p-Type GaN by Mg Doping Followed by Low-Energy Electron Beam Irradiation
Nobel Prize lecture by Hiroshi Amano
Background Story of the Invention of Efficient Blue InGaN Light Emitting Diodes
Nobel Prize lecture by Shuji Nakamura
The BEH Mechanism and its Scalar Boson
Nobel Prize lecture by François Englert
Evading the Goldstone Theorem
Nobel Prize lecture by Peter Higgs
Controlling Photons in a Box and Exploring the Quantum to Classical Boundary
Nobel Prize lecture by Serge Haroche
Superposition, Entanglement, and Raising Schroedinger’s Cat
Nobel Prize lecture by David J. Wineland
Measuring the Acceleration of the Cosmic Expansion Using Supernovae
Nobel Prize lecture by Saul Perlmutter
The Path to Measuring Cosmic Acceleration
Nobel Prize lecture by Brian P. Schmidt
Supernovae Reveal an Accelerating Universe
Nobel Prize lecture by Adam G. Riess
Random Walk to Graphene
Nobel Prize lecture by Andre Geim
Graphene: Materials in the Flatland
Nobel Prize lecture by Konstantin Novoselov
Sand from Centuries Past: Send Future Voices Fast
Nobel Prize lecture by Charles K. Kao
CCD – an Extension of Man’s Vision
Nobel Prize lecture by Willard S. Boyle
The Invention and Early History of the CCD
Nobel Prize lecture by George E. Smith
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Particle Physics: a Case of Cross Fertilization
Nobel Prize lecture by Yoichiro Nambu
CP Violation and Flavour Mixing
Nobel Prize lecture by Makoto Kobayashi
What Does CP Violation Tell Us?
Nobel Prize lecture by Toshihide Maskawa
The Origin, the Development and the Future of Spintronics
Nobel Prize lecture by Albert Fert
From Spinwaves to Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) and Beyond
Nobel Prize lecture by Peter Grünberg
From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and Beyond
Nobel Prize lecture by John C. Mather
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Anisotropies: Their Discovery and Utilization
Nobel Prize lecture by George F. Smoot
One Hundred Years of Light Quanta
Nobel Prize lecture by Roy J. Glauber
Defining and Measuring Optical Frequencies: The Optical Clock Opportunity – and More
Nobel Prize lecture by John L. Hall
Passion for Precision
Nobel Prize lecture by Theodor W. Hänsch
The Discovery of Asymptotic Freedom and the Emergence of QCD
Nobel Prize lecture by David J. Gross
The Dilemma of Attribution
Nobel Prize lecture by H. David Politzer
Asymptotic Freedom: From Paradox to Paradigm
Nobel Prize lecture by Frank Wilczek
Type II Superconductors and the Vortex Lattice
Nobel Prize lecture by Alexei A. Abrikosov
On Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Nobel Prize lecture by Vitaly L. Ginzburg
Superfluid 3-He: The Early Days as Seen by a Theorist
Nobel Prize lecture by Anthony J. Leggett
A Half-Century with Solar Neutrinos
Nobel Prize lecture by Raymond Davis Jr.
Birth of Neutrino Astrophysics
Nobel Prize lecture by Masatoshi Koshiba
The Dawn of X-Ray Astronomy
Nobel Prize lecture by Riccardo Giacconi
Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas; The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments
Nobel Prize lecture by Eric A. Cornell
When Atoms Behave as Waves: Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser
Nobel Prize lecture by Wolfgang Ketterle
Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas; The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments
Nobel Prize lecture by Carl E. Wieman
Double Heterostructure Concept and its Applications in Physics, Electronics and Technology
Nobel Prize lecture by Zhores I. Alferov
Quasi-Electric Fields and Band Offsets: Teaching Electrons New Tricks
Nobel Prize lecture by Herbert Kroemer
Turning Potential into Reality: The Invention of the Integrated Circuit
Nobel Prize lecture by Jack S. Kilby
A Confrontation with Infinity
Nobel Prize lecture by Gerardus ‘t Hooft
From Weak Interactions to Gravitation
Nobel Prize lecture by J. G. Veltman
Links to more lectures with Nobel Prize laureates:
Lectures with Nobel Prize laureates in physics
Lectures with Nobel Prize laureates in chemistry
Lectures with Nobel Prize laureates in physiology or medicine
Lectures with Nobel Prize laureates in literature
Lectures with Nobel Peace Prize laureates
Lectures with laureates in economic sciences