Speed read

Alfred Fried was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to popularise the work of experts in international law and promote a new and peaceful organisation of society. He shared the prize with Tobias Asser. Alfred Fried Full name: Alfred Hermann FriedBorn: 11 November 1864, Vienna, AustriaDied: 4 May 1921, Vienna, AustriaDate awarded: 10 December…


Speed read

Tobias Asser was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role as co-founder of the and pioneer in the field of international legal relations. He shared the prize with Alfred Fried. Tobias Asser Full name: Tobias Michael Carel AsserBorn: 28 April 1838, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsDied: 29 July 1913, the Hague, the NetherlandsDate awarded: 10 December 1911…


Photo gallery

World Peace Congress in Munich 1907: Bertha von Suttner (seated row, second from left), Ludwig Quidde (next to the right), Frédéric Passy (next to the right), Henri La Fontaine (to her right) and A. H. Fried (standing row, third from the right). Esperanto World Congress, Boulogne-sur-Mer 1905, group photo of some participants. Alfred Hermann Fried…


Banquet speech

Marie Curie’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1911 (in French) Je remercie l’Académie des Sciences du très grand honneur qu’elle m’a fait. Je crois que cet honneur ne s’adresse point uniquement à moi. Pendant de longues années, et moi avons consacré toutes nos journées aux travaux concernant nos découvertes communes du…


Other resources

Links to other sites Video Marie Curie receives the ACR (American College of Radiology) Gold Medal in July, 1931. This is the only known film in which you can hear the voice of Marie Curie.


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1911 On the Laws of Thermal Radiation The kind recognition which my work on thermal radiation has received in the views of your ancient and famous Academy of Sciences gives me particular pleasure to speak to you about this subject which is again attracting the attention of all physicists because of…


Banquet speech

Wilhelm Wien’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1911 (in German) Königliche Hoheiten, meine verehrten Damen und Herren! Für uns, die wir den Nobel-Preis erhalten haben, wird das erste Gefühl ein tiefer Dank sein, aber wir werden auch Veranlassung haben, unsere eigne Stellung zu den Arbeiten, die mit dem Preise gekrönt sind,…


Banquet speech

Allvar Gullstrand’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1911 (in Swedish) Kungliga högheter! Mina damer och herrar! Vid svenska fanor ville jag likna Nobelprisen. De äro planterade af svensk man på en plats, der de synas för hela världen. En gång hvarje år höjas de och tilldraga sig då allas blickar. Till…
