About us / The Nobel Prize organisation

Sparql Our sparql endpoint can be used to query our dataset. You can easily . Below are some examples of queries that can be done. The first query will list all Nobel Laureates in 1901: PREFIX nobel: <http://data.nobelprize.org/terms/>PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?prizeName WHERE { ?person rdf:type nobel:Laureate; rdfs:label ?name; nobel:nobelPrize ?prize. ?prize rdfs:label…


  Tools and directories at the Swedish Data Portal.   Applications  by OrteliusA navigator to browse among the Nobel Laureates.  by WordmapperMaps where the countries are sized according to the number of Nobel Laureates. by RoyalSloth


PHP Below is a simple example of php code that uses curl to retrieve data from the API in order to list the Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine between 1990 and 1994. For simplicity, it’s kept short and has no error handling. The php code: <?php# Base URL for the API $url  = ‘http://api.nobelprize.org/v1/prize.json’; # List Nobel Prizes in Medicine from 1990 to 1994 $url .= ‘?category=medicine&year=1990&yearto=1994’; # Retreieve the result from the API using CURL $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); $string = curl_exec($ch);…


This Agreement governs the way that you are permitted to access api.nobelprize.org and data.nobelprize.org (hereby referred to as the Services below). By accessing these Services you agree to accept and abide by the terms set out in this agreement in respect of your access to and use of the data (hereby referred to as the…


The Nobel Committee for Chemistry at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for the selection of candidates for the chemistry prize from the names submitted for consideration by qualified nominators, who have been invited through formal letters. Nobel Committee for Chemistry 2024 Members Peter Brzezinski  (Secretary)Professor of Biochemistry Andrei ChabesProfessor of Medical Biochemistry…


The economic sciences committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for the selection of candidates for the prize in economic sciences from the names submitted for consideration by qualified nominators, who have been invited through formal letters. The economic sciences committee 2024 Members Tommy AnderssonProfessor of Economics Peter FredrikssonProfessor of Economics John…


The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine at Karolinska Institutet is responsible for the selection of candidates for the medicine prize from the names submitted by invited nominators. Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine 2024 Members Gunilla Karlsson-Hedestam (Chair)Professor of Immunology Olle Kämpe (Vice Chair)Professor in Endocrinology Per SvenningssonProfessor of Neurology Sten LinnarssonProfessor of Molecular…


The Nobel Committee for Literature at the Swedish Academy is responsible for the selection of candidates for the literature prize from the names submitted for consideration by qualified nominators, who have been invited through formal letters. The Nobel Committee for Literature 2024 Members Anders Olsson (Chair)Professor Ellen MattsonWriter Steve Sem-SandbergWriter Anne SwärdWriter Co-opted members Ann-Karin…


Introduction The Nobel sphere engages in informational, educational, museum, research, media, financial, administrative and related activities. We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and never misused. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, the “Nobel sphere” refers to each of the following: Nobelstiftelsen (The Nobel Foundation), Alfred Nobels minnesstiftelse (The Alfred Nobel…
