About us / The Nobel Prize organisation
Terms of use
Introduction Nobel Prize Outreach provides this web site (the “Site”) primarily in support of the mission of the Nobel Foundation to spread information and knowledge about the Nobel Prize® and the Nobel Prize laureates. Nobel Prize Outreach encourages you to use the Site as an educational, informational and research tool, subject to the specific terms…
The views and opinions of invited authors expressed at Nobelprize.org do not state or reflect those of the Nobel Foundation, the Nobel Prize-Awarding Institutions, Nobel Web or its sponsors. For documents available from the server, the Nobel Foundation does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of…
moreTechnical support
Frequently asked technical questions Nobelprize.org What is the best way to view Nobelprize.org? Nobelprize.org is a responsive website and will adopt to the width of your device depending if you are using a computer, tablet och mobile phone. The site has been developed according to the W3C web standards (HTML5) and it has been tested…
moreDeveloper zone
Nobelprize.org offers open data to developers in two ways: as API and as Linked Data. The data is free to use and contain information about the Nobel Prizes and the Nobel Laureates. The data is updated as the information on www.nobelprize.org is updated, including at the time of announcements of new Laureates. API version 2…
moreCopyright information
Copyright and trademark information The documents and materials presented at nobelprize.org are generally protected by copyright and related rights or as trademarks and trade names. For use of such material, permission in writing from Nobel Prize Outreach or the Nobel Foundation is required. All rights reserved. For detailed information, see . Permission in writing is not…
moreFinancial management
On 27 November 1895, a year before his death, Alfred Nobel signed the famous will which would implement some of the goals to which he had devoted so much of his life. Nobel stipulated in his will that most of his estate, more than SEK 31 million (today approximately SEK 2,2 billion) should be converted…
moreThe Nobel Foundation: tasks
The Nobel Foundation, a private institution established in 1900, has ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the intentions in Alfred Nobel’s will. A central task of the Nobel Foundation is to manage Alfred Nobel’s fortune in a manner that ensures a secure financial standing for the Nobel Prize over the long term and to protect the common…
moreStatutes of the Nobel Foundation
This is a page with key subjects from the statutes. Subject Paragraph Amendment of statutes Appeal (no appeal with regard to prizes) Auditors Auditors’ report , , Board of the Foundation, membership Board of the Foundation, assets Board of the Foundation, voting Eligibility for a prize , Expert consultations , Executive director Festival day (10 December)…
moreBoard of directors
The Nobel Foundation Regular members Astrid Söderbergh WiddingProfessor, President of Stockholm University, Chair Berit Reiss-AndersenAttorney, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Vice Chair Hans EllegrenProfessor, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Mats MalmProfessor, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy Sven NymanMSc, Hon. Doctor of Business Thomas PerlmannProfessor, Secretary of the Nobel Assembly…
Director General David Edvardsson,appointed by the Swedish Government Mr Jonas Svensson, Authorized Public Accountant,elected by the Trustees of the Nobel Foundation Professor Sven Lidin,elected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Professor Catharina Larsson,elected by the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet Professor David Håkanssonelected by the Swedish Academy Bettina Banoun,elected by the Norwegian Nobel Committee