Alfred Nobel

Introduction Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) – scientist, author and pacifist, but above all the inventor of dynamite and holder of 355 patents – shaped as a human being in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the Russian capital where different nationalities and cultures mixed and where science and literature developed in a dynamic interaction between Western European tradition…



by Nils Ringertz In his of November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel specified that the bulk of his estate should be deposited in a fund, the interest of which should be divided into five parts and to be used for Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Peace. One of the five shares should be given to…


Literature occupied a central role in the life of Alfred Nobel. He regarded various literary forms of expression as opportunities to achieve a greater understanding of our own thoughts, lives and relationships with other people and our surroundings. Alfred Nobel had an extensive library, which included important European literary works. Inspired by Shelley and Byron,…


  Humanities English Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Addison Joseph The works. With notes by Richard Hurd, a new ed., with large additions, chiefly unpubl., collected and ed. by Henry G. Bohn. Vol. 1-6 London 1871- 73 Bell & Daldy Allen Grant The women who did. British authors.…


Ragnar Sohlman (1870-1948) As a young chemical engineer, Ragnar Sohlman worked for Alfred Nobel in his laboratory in San Remo, Italy. In his will, Alfred Nobel made Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist executors of his will. Realizing that the assets of Alfred Nobel were located in several countries, the executors first decided to move most…


This is a production made possible through: Manuscript Based on the book, “The Legacy of Alfred Nobel. The Story Behind the Nobel Prizes,” by Ragnar Sohlman, The Nobel Foundation, 1983, The Bodley Head. Voice Over Gerrie Ferguson Pang Ljud, Stockholm Music Provided by Extreme Music, selections taken from Holberg Suite (Edvard Grieg), Swan Lake…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Sciences Patents Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Armengaud Résumé des lois sur les brevets d’invention dans tous les pays. Ill. 16e éd. Paris u. å. Librairie techn.…


Sciences Biology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Blanchard Emile Métamorphoses. Moeurs et instincts des insectes. (Insectes, myriapodes, arachnides, crustagés). Ill. 2e éd. Paris 1877 Germer Baillière Cooke M. C. Les Champignons. (Bibliothèque scientifique internationale). Paris 1875 Germer Baillière Darwin Charles The origin of species by means of natural selection,…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Sciences Chemistry and Technology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Abel Frederick Augustus Accidents in mines. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. (Brochure) London 1888…


Sciences Physics and Astronomy Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Cazin A. La spectroscopie. (Actualités scientifiques.). Ill. Paris 1878 Gauthier- Villars Daguin P. A. Traité élémentaire de physique théorique et expérimentale avec ses applications à la météorologie et aux arts industriels. T. 1-4. Ill. 3e éd. Paris 1867-1868 Tandou Daubrée…
