The Dress Code at the Nobel Banquet
So there you are, finally holding a coveted invitation to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and the Nobel Banquet: what to wear? The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm and the Nobel Banquet that follows is a strictly formal affair. Gentlemen are required to wear white tie and tails, while ladies should be dressed in…
moreProgram for the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2011
The 2011 Nobel Laureates The Nobel Prize in Physics Professor Saul Perlmutter Professor Brian P. Schmidt Professor Adam G. Riess The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Professor Dan Shechtman The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Professor Bruce A. Beutler Professor Jules A. Hoffmann Professor Ralph M. Steinman The Nobel Prize in Literature Author Tomas Tranströmer…
moreHälsningsanförande – 2006
Swedish Tal av Dr Marcus Storch, Nobelstiftelsens styrelseordförande, den 10 december 2006. Dr Marcus Storch håller sitt hälningsanförande under Nobelprisceremonin i Konserthuset i Stockholm. Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, Ärade Pristagare, Mina Damer och Herrar, På Nobelstiftelsens vägnar vill jag hälsa Er välkomna till årets Prisutdelning, och vi vill särskilt välkomna årets pristagare…
moreOpening address – 2006
English Speech by Dr Marcus Storch, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation, December 10, 2006. Dr Marcus Storch delivering the opening address during the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honoured Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Nobel Foundation, I would…
moreThe Nobel Banquet 2010
Stockholm City Hall, Sweden, 10 December From left to right: Mrs Yoko Suzuki and Nobel Laureate Akira Suzuki, Her Majesty Queen Silvia and His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria, Nobel Laureate Richard F. Heck and Mrs Socorro N. Heck, Mrs Sumire Negishi and Ei-ichi Negishi, Prince…