9 photos
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1 (of 9) The guests gather together in the Blue Hall of the Stockholm City Hall.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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2 (of 9) Princess Lilian of Sweden in conversation with Nobel Laureate Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine.
Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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3 (of 9) Princess Madeleine of Sweden seated between Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine Paul Greengard (right) and Arvid Carlsson (left) at the Nobel Banquet.
Copyright © Pressens Bild AB, 2000 S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden telephone: +46 (0)8 738 38 00 Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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4 (of 9) Nobel Laureate in Literature Gao Xingjian at the table of honour.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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5 (of 9) Swedish Crown Princess Victoria with Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Alan J. Heeger (left) and Marcus Storch, Deputy Chairman of the Nobel Foundation (right).
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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6 (of 9) Divertissement at the Nobel Banquet.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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7 (of 9) The dessert is brought in: vanilla ice cream with blue-berry sorbet and almond biscuits.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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8 (of 9) The Royal Family meet every Nobel Laureate after the banquet dinner. The Royal siblings - Princess Madeleine, Prince Carl Philip, and Crown Princess Victoria, wait to meet this year's Laureates.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
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9 (of 9) Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine Arvid Carlsson (extreme left), Prince Carl Philip, Princess Madeleine and Crown Princess Victoria at the Nobel Banquet in the Stockholm City Hall.
© Pressens Bild AB 2000, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, telephone: +46(0)87383800. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer
MLA style: “Photo gallery – The Nobel Banquet 2000”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.