Singapore, 13 September 2022


Nobel Prize Dialogue

Thirumeninathan Thaarun

Thirumeninathan Thaarun is currently a third-year medical student at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore.

Thirumeninathan Thaarun is currently a third-year medical student at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore. Asides from excelling academically, having been consistently placed on the Dean’s list, he has participated and led several community involvements projects both locally in Singapore as well as overseas, such as Adolescents and Young Oncology Juniors in the capacity of project director and previously in Project Silvercare in the capacity of programmes head, diligently working towards identifying and resolving the health needs of at risk/ neglected populations.

He is also a budding researcher, both in clinical as well as non-clinical domains such as the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies to solve real world healthcare problems and was a research intern at NUS biotechnology office. A keen enthusiast of the growing interface between technology and healthcare, global health, healthy ageing as well positive climate action, he is very excited to see the emerging positive development in these areas.

In his free time, he also enjoys dabbling in his other hobbies and passions, such as helping conduct teachings for his juniors as well as dancing.