Singapore, 13 September 2022


Nobel Prize Dialogue

Wharton Chan

Wharton Chan is a MD-PhD Candidate at Duke-NUS Medical School. He is currently training in the fields of virology, immunology and bioinformatics.

Wharton Chan is a clinician-scientist currently training in the fields of virology, immunology and bioinformatics. He first trained at the University of Oxford and completed his Masters in Biochemistry at Pembroke College, under the tutelage of Professor Andre Furger and Professor Julian Knight. Currently, he is completing his MD-PhD, with a primary research focus on understanding bats as viral reservoirs through single cell transcriptomics. During the pandemic, Chan has also worked with SARS-CoV2, developing nasal infection models to understand host-viral interactions.

Outside of science, Chan practices the jazz arts. He performs frequently as a saxophonist and clarinetist, and has competed as a swing dancer at the international level.