24 October 2024, Sydney


Nobel Prize Dialogue

Before the Nobel Prize Dialogue in Sydney in 2024 we arranged a online closed pre-event on 16 June 2023. Below you can watch some selected sessions. 

The pre-event was a virtual event in an invitation-only forum for a limited group of thought leaders and creative thinkers from government, business and academia, who were brought together to generate ideas that will lead to practical action to create long-term impact. Participants discussed key issues and proposed solutions which they are currently developing and implementing through a year-long collaboration.

Watch session 1

Watch session 2

Watch session 3

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Previous events

Nobel Prize Dialogue
Thinking for the Sydney dialogue began in 2023 when we convened a special digital event for experts in decision making.
Nobel Prize Dialogue
We turned our attention to the art and science of democracy and decision-making in this Nobel Prize Dialogue in Brussels.
Nobel Prize Summit
We brought together laureates, leading experts and the public in a conversation on how we can combat misinformation, restore trust in science and create a hopeful future.
Nobel Prize Summit 2023

Nobel Prize Dialogue Sydney 2024 in partnership with