Nobel Prize Summit

Event organisers

Nobel Foundation
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honouring individuals and organisations from around the world for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for work in peace. The world’s most important prize rewards discoveries and achievements that contributed to the greatest benefit to humankind in line with the will of Alfred Nobel.

Vidar Helgesen
“The prizes are awarded to those whose achievements have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Societies now face challenges unimaginable a century ago when Alfred Nobel wrote his will. Our summit will bring many great minds to bear on how to solve the world’s most pressing challenges and how to engage experts, decision-makers and society at large in doing so.”


– Vidar Helgesen, executive director of the Nobel Foundation









US National Academy of Sciences
To meet the government’s urgent need for an independent adviser on scientific matters, President Abraham Lincoln signed a congressional charter forming the National Academy of Sciences in 1863. Since then, its work has shaped sound policies, informed public opinion and advanced the pursuit of science, engineering and medicine.
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Marcia McNutt


“The power of science is in its predictive ability – to forecast what the future will be for the next generations based on choices we make today. By heeding the science, we can create an equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future for all people on this planet.”

– Marcia McNutt, president of the US National Academy of Sciences










Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
PIK is a German government-funded research institute, addressing crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. It has been ranked as the top environmental think tank worldwide.
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Stockholm Resilience Centre / Beijer Institute
A non-profit research centre at Stockholm University, specialising in sustainable development and environmental issues that work to generate insights to inform policy makers on ecosystem management and long-term sustainable development in Europe and around the world. It operates in close collaboration with the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
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“The young people are saying: Listen to the science. The science is clear – we need a major economic transformation in the next decade to bend the curves of our destructive trajectories. We are now risking the stability of Earth’s life support system.”

– Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research











Steering committee

Peter Doherty
Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine 1996, NAS/NAM, Laureate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne


Jennifer Doudna
Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry 2020, NAS/NAM, Professor, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley


Ottmar Edenhofer
Director and Chief Economist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Professor, Technische Universität Berlin


Carl Folke
NAS, Director and Professor, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Vidar Helgesen
Executive Director, Nobel Foundation


Jane Lubchenco
NAS, Professor, Oregon State University


Marcia McNutt
NAS, President, US National Academy of Sciences


Bill Nordhaus
Economic sciences laureate 2018, NAS, Sterling Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Yale University


Paul Nurse
Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine 2001, NAS, Director, Francis Crick Institute


Johan Rockström
Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Professor, University of Potsdam


Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
NAS, Director Emeritus, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Brian Schmidt
Nobel Prize laureate in physics 2011, NAS, Vice-Chancellor, President, Chief Executive Officer and Professor, Australian National University


Yuan Tseh Lee
Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry 1986, NAS, President Emeritus, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica


Laurence Tubiana
Chief Executive Officer, European Climate Foundation



Executive team

Franklin Carrero-Martinez
Senior Director, Global Sustainability and Development & Science and Technology for Sustainability, National Academy of Sciences


Owen Gaffney
Strategic communications, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Stockholm Resilience Centre


Holger Hoff
Senior Scientist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Anna Sjöström Douagi
Program Director Nobel Prize Summit 2021, Nobel Foundation


Negin Sobhani
Senior Program Officer, Policy and Global Affairs, National Academy of Sciences


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