Nobel Prize Summit


What is the Nobel Prize Summit? 
The first ever Nobel Prize Summit – Our Planet, Our Future – will virtually bring together Nobel Prize laureates and other world-renowned experts and leaders to focus on this question: What can be achieved in this decade to put the world on a path to a more sustainable, more prosperous future for all of humanity? The summit will put the world’s best minds to work on finding solutions to help mitigate and adapt to climate change, reduce inequality and lift people out of poverty, and identify ways to harness the best that technology has to offer while anticipating and mitigating potential harms.

When will the event take place? 
The Nobel Prize Summit will take place on 26-28 April 2021.

Who organises  the Nobel Prize Summit? 
The summit is being hosted by the Nobel Foundation, in partnership with the US National Academy of Sciences, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and the Stockholm Resilience Centre/Beijer Institute.

Why now? 
The Nobel Prize Summit is taking place at a pivotal time. In 2020 the United Nations launched the Decade of Action toward achieving its Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Countries around the world will be making transformational decisions regarding biodiversity loss, climate change, and the state of our oceans. Demand for action is also growing. Prominent global business leaders have pledged to make sustainability a top priority in their investment decisions. And in many parts of the world, young climate activists are drawing the world’s attention through rolling school strikes. We can ill afford another decade of inaction – the consequences are far too high. Read more.

What will the summit accomplish?
The Nobel Prize Summit will create a new platform for connecting Nobel Prize laureates and other esteemed researchers with policy makers, business leaders, civil-society groups, and youth leaders to share ideas, propose real-world solutions grounded in evidence, and inspire action.

Who will be speaking?
The summit will convene Nobel Prize laureates in addition to other leading scientists with thought leaders, policy makers, business leaders and young people online to explore solutions and break down barriers.

What does the programme look like?
See our programme page for more information.

How can I participate?
Register now for free to participate in our Main Stage programme.

You can also observe the Academic Science sessions online and register separately to take part in the Science Solution sessions being hosted by our partners.

Can I participate online?
Yes. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and don't forget to use the hashtag #NobelPrizeSummit.

Can I watch sessions from the summit after the event is over?
Yes. We will be making sessions from the summit available to watch here on the event website and on the Nobel Prize YouTube channel.

Can media attend?
Yes media are welcome to attend. Please contact:
US National Academy of Sciences’ Office of News and Public Information; +1-202-334-2138 or [email protected].
Nobel Foundation; +46 734 12 66 75, [email protected].

Can I present my work at the summit?
While we are unable to accommodate formal presentations from the public, we encourage you to participate in digital opportunities before the summit and in dissemination events that will provide more opportunities for public discussion.

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