Nobel Prize Summit

Marjolaine Goldsmith

Marjolaine Goldsmith is both an actor and Company Manager at Theater of War Productions.

Marjolaine Goldsmith is a native New Yorker. She is an alumna of Oberlin college, where she studied classical civilisation. At Theater of War Productions, she unites all of the things she cares about in one job – acting, classics, and social justice – confirming her formless hunch that all three were inextricably linked.

Marjolaine was brought on to Theater of War Productions as both an actor and Company Manager, and also serves as Producer of TAPE, the company’s project on consent, and sexual assault. Marjolaine finds a wealth of purpose in her work and feels very fortunate to be a part of Theater of War Productions’ core team.

In 2020, Marjolaine was responsible for translating Theater of War Productions’ form into the digital space, making each technical decision to convene the company’s events online in accordance with the company’s values; ensuring audiences are seen and heard during the discussion and the stream of communication is omnidirectional. She continues to serve as the company’s digital producer.