Nobel Prize Summit


Ahmad Mobayed is a youth leader and co-founder of the Syrian Youth Assembly.

Ahmad Mobayed is a youth leader and a strong believer in the potential of emerging technologies to solve social and humane issues. His commitment digital technology comes from a personal story as a refugee where digital education changed his life and enabled him to pursue his passion. Since 2016, Moboaiyed has been fully committed to working on the topic of digitalisation and social change.

Mobayed is a co-founder of the Syrian Youth Assembly, a youth-led nongovernmental organisation (NGO) that provides more than 100,000 young Syrians and refugees with digital education and health care solutions. Besides his SYA involvement, Mobayed has several years of work experience in the areas of digital education and health care in both non-profit and for-profit sectors with several consultancies and NGOs. He has a bachelor’s degree in politics and economics from Bard College Berlin and a master’s degree in public policy from the Hertie School, also in Berlin.