Truth, Trust and Hope

Nobel Prize Summit

Rebecca MacKinnon

Rebecca MacKinnon is Vice President, Global Advocacy at the Wikimedia Foundation, leading the Foundation’s efforts to promote and defend a legal and regulatory landscape essential to the future of free knowledge globally.

Rebecca MacKinnon is Vice President, Global Advocacy at the Wikimedia Foundation, leading the Foundation’s efforts to promote and defend a legal and regulatory landscape essential to the future of free knowledge globally. Previously she was Founding Director of Ranking Digital Rights, a research program at New America that sets global standards for corporate respect for freedom of expression and privacy online. Author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom (2012), she is co-founder of the citizen media network Global Voices, was a founding member of the Global Network Initiative, and served for over a decade on the board of the Committee to Protect Journalists. Between 1998-2004 she was CNN’s Bureau Chief in Beijing and Tokyo.

She has taught at the University of Hong Kong and the University of Pennsylvania, and held fellowships at Harvard, Princeton, the Open Society Foundations, and the University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement. She holds an AB magna cum laude in Government from Harvard and was a Fulbright scholar in Taiwan.

See Rebecca MacKinnon at:

  • 24 May - The Global Conversation
  • Live from the Studio - Digital Exclusive: 12:30 - 14:00
  • See Programme

Event content

News and features

Video highlights

Summit talks: technology and ethics

I’m not afraid. You’re afraid.

A thought-provoking talk by technology ethicist Tristan Harris, on the race between technology creators and our regulation on AI and our ever-increasing addiction to social media.

Video highlights

Summit talks: history of disinformation

Manipulating the marginalised

Watch researcher and scholar Rachel Kuo chart the history of how misinformation and disinformation has been used against the disenfranchised across different racial and religious groups and what we can do collectively to combat it.

News and updates

Speaker highlights

Summit messages

A message from the summit organisers

“I don’t think the truth has ever mattered more”

Watch Vidar Helgesen, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation and Marcia McNutt, President of the US National Academy of Sciences, discuss the upcoming Nobel Prize Summit.

See all speakers and panellists

“With the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit we will promote the scientific method, critical thinking, and constructive dialogue.”

Vidar Helgesen, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation and Marcia McNutt, President of the US National Academy of Sciences.