Nobel Week Dialogue

Photo Armita Golkar photographer Gustav Mårtensson

Armita Golkar is a psychology researcher and associate senior lecturer at Stockholm University and an affiliated researcher at Karolinska Institutet where she studies emotional learning and memory.

Armita Golkar is a psychology researcher and associate senior lecturer at Stockholm University and an affiliated researcher at Karolinska Institutet where she studies emotional learning and memory.

She defended her thesis ‘Learning not to fear – extinction, erasure and the recovery of fear memor’ in 2013 at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. She pursued her post-doctoral research in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and at Karolinska Institutet by focusing on how information about threat and safety is transmitted between individuals through social observation.

In 2015 she was awarded the outstanding young researcher in psychology award by the Swedish national committee for psychological sciences, a branch of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In addition to her research and teaching, Golkar frequently participates in scientific outreach activities, and in 2018 she held a series of performance lectures on ‘Fear’ organised by the Royal Dramatic Theatre and the Nobel Center in Stockholm.