Nobel Week Dialogue

Johan rockstrom foto

Johan Rockström is a professor of environmental science and co-chair of the world’s largest research network for global sustainability science, Future Earth.

Johan Rockström is a professor of environmental science at Stockholm Resilience Centre.  He is co-chair of Future Earth and director designated of the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research.

Rockström is an international recognised global sustainability scientist. He co-founded the Stockholm Resilience Centre and led the research team that published the planetary boundaries framework 2009. This framework, which provides a “safe operating space for humanity”, has been embraced as an approach to sustainable development, and used to help guide governments, international organisations and companies.

He is co-chair of the world’s largest research network for global sustainability science, Future Earth, chair of the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and chair of the steering committee for CGIAR’s Research Program on water, land, and ecosystems. He is a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).

Rockström has published over 100 research articles, including articles in the world’s leading journals Science and Nature. He has published five books: The Human Quest (2012) and Big World Small Planet (2015) with National Geographic photographer, Mattias Klum; co-authored Water Resilience for Human Prosperity (2014); and Bankrupting Nature (2012) co-authored with Swedish writer and politician, Anders Wijkman. His most recent is a cookbook, Eat Good (2018). As a compelling speaker, he engages with popular media on issues relating to sustainable development.