Nobel Week Dialogue

Andre Geim

Andre Geim is Regius Professor at the University of Manchester. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work on graphene, a one-atom-thick material made of carbon.

Sir Andre Geim is Regius Professor at the University of Manchester. He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work on graphene, a one-atom-thick material made of carbon. He has also received numerous international awards and distinctions, and holds honorary doctorates and professorships from many countries and universities.

Geim was born in Russia to German parents and holds dual Dutch and British citizenship. He started his academic career in Moscow, spent several years as a postdoctoral researcher at the universities of Nottingham, Bath and Copenhagen and then moved to the Netherlands as a tenured professor, before coming to Manchester in 2001.

Thomson-Reuters repeatedly named him among the world’s most active scientists and attributed to him three new research fronts – diamagnetic levitation, gecko tape and graphene. More than twenty of his papers have been cited more than 1,000 times with five of them more than 10,000 times, which places two of the latter among 100 most cited research papers in human history. He was also awarded the 2000 Ig Nobel prize for his work on levitation, becoming the first and only recipient of both Nobel and Ig Nobel Prizes. He has also received both Dutch and British knighthoods. Geim continues to be research active and his post-Nobel work was acknowledged by the 2018 International Creativity Prize for Water.

More about Sir Andre Geim and the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics