9 December 2024, Stockholm

The Future of Health

Nobel Week Dialogue

Charles M. Rice

Charles Rice was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his role in the discovery of Hepatitis C virus.

Charles Rice is the Maurice R. and Corinne P. Greenberg Chair in Virology and serves as head of the laboratory for virology and infectious disease at the Rockefeller University. He is one of the world’s most accomplished virologists and a prominent figure in research on members of the Flaviviridae including hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Rice received his bachelor’s degree from University of California Davis in 1974 and earned his Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in 1981. From 1986-2000, he was a faculty member at Washington University in St. Louis.

Rice has co-authored over 500 articles in the field of virology, serves as a reviewer for numerous journals, is a past president of the American Society for Virology, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the M. W. Beijernick, Dautrebande, Robert Koch, InBev Baillet-Latour prizes, the Lasker-Debakey Clinical Medical Research Award, and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.


More about Charles Rice and the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Nobel Week Dialogue Stockholm 2024