9 December 2024, Stockholm

The Future of Health

Nobel Week Dialogue

Michael Marmot

Sir Michael Marmot is director of the Institute of Health Equity at the UCL Department of Epidemiology & Public Health.

Sir Michael Marmot has been a professor of epidemiology at University College London since 1985, and is director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity. He is the author of The Health Gap: the challenge of an unequal world (Bloomsbury: 2015), and Status Syndrome (Bloomsbury: 2004). He is a distinguished visiting professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong (2019-), and co-director of the of the CUHK Institute of Health Equity. He is the recipient of 20 honorary doctorates.

Marmot has led research groups on health inequalities for nearly 50 years. He chaired the WHO commission on social determinants of health, WHO regional commissions, and reviews on tackling health inequality for UK governments. He is former President of the British Medical Association (2010-2011), and former President of the World Medical Association (2015). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2000 he was knighted by Her Majesty The Queen, for services to epidemiology and the understanding of health inequalities. He was appointed a Companion of Honour for services to public health in the 2023 New Year Honours.

Nobel Week Dialogue Stockholm 2024