Jan Tinbergen


Jan Tinbergen - Biographical

Born 1903, The Hague, Netherlands
Education 1929, Leyden University, Doctor of Physics
Academic appointments
1933 Professor at the Netherlands School of Economics, teaching various subjects; fulltime from 1956 onwards, when subject became Development Programming
Non-academic offices
1929-1945 Statistician for Business Cycle Research, Central Bureau of Statistics
1936-1938 Expert, temporarily attached to League of Nations Secretariat
1945-1955 Director of Central Planning Bureau of Netherlands Government
Advisor to governments of various developing countries (United Arab Republic, Turkey, Venezuela, Surinam, Indonesia, Pakistan and other countries, occasionally) and to international organizations (European Coal and Steel Community, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Nations Secretariat and other specialized and regional organizations)
Honors and honorary degrees
Member of Royal Netherlands Academy of Science and some foreign academies, honorary doctor of fifteen universities, mostly European.
Principal publications
Business Cycles in the United States, 1919-1932, Geneva, 1939 and New York, 1968
Business Cycles in the United Kingdom, 1870-1914, Amsterdam, 1951
Centralization and Decentralization in Economic Policy, Amsterdam, 1954
Economic Policy: Principles and Design, Amsterdam, 1956
Selected Papers, Amsterdam, 1959
The Element of Space in Development Planning (together with L.B.M. Mennes and J.G. Waardenburg), Amsterdam, 1969

From Nobel Lectures, Economics 1969-1980, Editor Assar Lindbeck, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1992

This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

Jan Tinbergen died on 9 June 1994.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1969

To cite this section
MLA style: Jan Tinbergen – Biographical. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach 2025. Wed. 26 Mar 2025. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1969/tinbergen/biographical/>

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