Sigrid Undset


Works in Norwegian
Fru Marta Oulie. – Kristiania : Aschehoug, 1907
Den lykkelige alder. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1908
Fortællingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1909
Ungdom : dikte. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1910
Jenny. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1911
Fattige skjebner. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1912
Vaaren. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1914
Fortællinger om Kong Artur og ridderne av det runde bord: fortalt på norsk. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1915
Splinten av troldspeilet. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1917
De kloge jomfruer. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1918
Et kvindesynspunkt. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1919
Kransen. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1920. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 1)
Splinten av troldspeilet : vårskyer. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1921
Husfrue. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1922. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 2)
Korset. – Christiania : Aschehoug, 1922. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 3)
Olav Audunssøn i Hestviken. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1925
Fortællingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis; og, Sankt Halvards liv, død og jærtegn. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1925
Olav Audunssøn og hans børn. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1927
Katholsk propaganda. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1927
Etaper. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1929
Gymnadenia. – Oslo: Aschehoug, 1929
Den brænnende busk. – 2 vol. / Oslo : Aschehoug, 1930
Ida Elisabeth. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1932
Etapper : ny række. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1933
To europeiske helgener. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1933
Elleve aar. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1934
Den trofaste hustru. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1936
Norske helgener. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1937
Selvportretter og landskapsbilleder. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1938
Madame Dorthea. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1939
Tilbake til Fremtiden. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1945
Steen Steensen Blicher. – København : Rosenkilde & Bagger, 1946
Lykkelige Dager. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1947
Middelalder romaner. – 10 vol. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1949
Caterina av Siena. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1951
Sigurd og hans tapre venner / translated into Norwegian by Signe Undset Thomas. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1955
Romaner og fortellinger fra nåtiden. – 10 vol. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1964
Tolv år. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1998
Translations into English
Gunnar’s Daughter / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New : York: Knopf, 1936
Images in a Mirror / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1938
Jenny / translated by William Emmé. – London : Gyldendal, 1920
The Bridal Wreath / translated by Charles Archer and J. S. Scott. – New York : Knopf, 1923. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 1)
The Mistress of Husaby / translated by Charles Archer. – New York : Knopf, 1923. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 2)
The Cross / translated by Charles Archer. – New York : Knopf, 1927. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 3)
The Master of Hestviken : The Axe / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1928
The Master of Hestviken : The Snake Pit / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1929
The Master of Hestviken : In the Wilderness / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1929
The Master of Hestviken : The Son Avenger / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1930
The Wild Orchid / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1931
The Burning Bush / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1932
Ida Elisabeth / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1933
Stages on the Road / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1934
Saga of Saints / translated by E. C. Ramsden. – New York : Longmans, Green, 1934
The Longest Years / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1935
The Faithful Wife / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1937
Men, Women, and Places / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1939
Madame Dorthea / translated by Arthur G. Chater. – New York : Knopf, 1940
Return to the Future / translated by Henriette C. K. Næseth. – New York : Knopf, 1942
Happy Times in Norway / translated by Joran Birkeland. – New York : Knopf, 1942
Sigurd and His Brave Companions : a Tale of Medieval. – New York : Knopf, 1943
Catherine of Siena / translated by Kate Austin-Lind. – New York : Sheed & Ward, 1954
Four Stories / translated by Naomi Walford. – New York : Knopf, 1959
The Wreath / translated by Tiina Nunnally. – New York : Penguin, 1997. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 1)
The Wife / translated by Tiina Nunnally. – New York: Penguin, 1999. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 2)
The Cross / translated by Tiina Nunnally. – New York: Penguin, 2000. – (Kristin Lavransdatter; 3)
The Unknown Sigrid Undset : Jenny and Other Works / edited with an introduction by Tim Page ; with new translations by Tiina Nunnally. – South Royalton, Vt. : Steerforth Press, 2001
Jenny : a novel / translated by Tiina Nunnally. – South Royalton, Vt. : Steerforth Press, 2002
Kristin Lavransdatter / translated with notes by Tiina Nunnally ; introduction by Brad Leithauser. – New York : Penguin Books, 2005
Critical studies (a selection)
Steen, Ellisiv, Kristin Lavransdatter : en kristisk studie. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1959
Deschamps, Nicole, Sigrid Undset ou la morale de la passion. – Montréal : Presses univ. de Montreal, 1966
Thorn, Finn, Sigrid Undset : kristentro og kirkesyn. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1975
Amadou, Anne-Lisa, Å gi kjærligheten et språk : syv studier i Sigrid Undsets forfatterskap. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1994
Ørjasæter, Tordis, Menneskenes hjerter : Sigrid Undset en livshistorie. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1993
Bliksrud, Liv, Natur og normer hos Sigrid Undset. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 1995
Maman, Marie, Sigrid Undset in America : an Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide. – Lanham, MD : Scarecrow, 2000
Skille, Nan Bentzen, Innenfor gjerdet. Hos Sigris Undset på Bjerkebæk. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 2003
Oftestad, Bernt T., Sigrid Undset : modernitet og katolisisme. – Oslo : Universitetsforl., 2003
Skille, Nan Bentzen: Inside the Gate. Sigrid Undset’s life at Bjerkebæk. – Oslo : Aschehoug, 2009

The Swedish Academy, 2010

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