Aristide Briand
Acceptance Speech
Acceptance by Aristide Briand.
Mr. Briand, the French foreign minister, who shared with Gustav Stresemann the Peace Prize for 1926 – awarded because of their contributions to the Locarno Pacts the year before – was not present at the presentation ceremony in Oslo on December 10, 1926*. The French chargé d’affaires, J. Billebault du Chaffault, accepted the prize in his behalf and read the following telegram from Mr. Briand:
“The Norwegian Government kindly informed me through its distinguished representative in Paris that the eminent body responsible for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize had conferred it on General Dawes, Sir Austen Chamberlain, Mr. Stresemann, and on me. I am anxious to express to it my profound gratitude for the great honor done me. No recognition could be more precious to me than this which now crowns the most important effort of my public life, one I have dedicated in every way within my power to the realization of your ideal of peace.”
Mr. Briand did not deliver a Nobel lecture.
* Translated from the French text in Les Prix Nobel en 1926.
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