Nomination archive

Nominators from , Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

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Showing rows 1 - 19 out of total 19

Cat. Year Nominator  
Che 1952 James Wilfred Cook Show »
Che 1967 Durward William John Cruickshank Show »
Che 1967 Ralph Alexander Raphael Show »
Med 1923 Nöel Paton Show »
Med 1931 Leonard Findlay Show »
Med 1938 John Dunn Show »
Med 1950 J Davidson Show »
Med 1950 CFW Illingworth Show »
Med 1950 CFW Illingworth Show »
Lit 1902 Walter Raleigh Show »
Lit 1968 Alan Boase Show »
Lit 1968 William Walker Chambers Show »
Lit 1968 Lord Boyd Orr Show »
Lit 1968 William Walker Chambers Show »
Pea 1902 James Keir Hardie Show »
Pea 1915 Three professors of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow Show »
Pea 1929 A Bowman Show »
Pea 1934 A Bowman Show »
Pea 1934 H Patony Show »

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