Nomination archive

Nominators from Cornell University, , UNITED STATES

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Showing rows 1 - 19 out of total 19

Cat. Year Nominator  
Phy 1951 H Sack Show »
Phy 1951 R Wilson Show »
Che 1940 James Sumner Show »
Lit 1941 Benjamin Beisel Show »
Lit 1960 Stephen Whicher Show »
Lit 1960 Arthur Mizener Show »
Lit 1960 Robert Elias Show »
Lit 1963 M Abrams Show »
Lit 1963 George Healey Show »
Lit 1963 Robert Adams Show »
Lit 1973 David Pattersson Show »
Pea 1933 Carl Becker Show »
Pea 1933 Professors of Law at Cornell University Show »
Pea 1951 4 professors of law at Cornell University Show »
Pea 1951 4 professors of law at Cornell University Show »
Pea 1961 Gray Thoron Show »
Pea 1963 Gray Thoron Show »
Pea 1963 Steven Muller Show »
Pea 1967 George McTurnan Kahin Show »

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