Nomination archive

Universities in NETHERLANDS

University Nominee(s) Nominator(s)
University of Amsterdam 13 84
Leiden University 82 61
University of Groningen 16 12
Utrecht University 96 31
Lunteren 2 0
Institute of Brain Research 1 0
Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis 1 0
General Hospital 1 0
Wageningen University 16 0
Reichsuniversität 3 0
Delft University of Technology 1 1
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 0 8
Netherlands PEN Centre (PEN-centrum voor Nederland) 0 3
Nijmegen 0 2
VU University Amsterdam 0 2
Académie de Droit International 0 3
Institute of International Law (Institut de Droit International) 0 1
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 0 1