Nomination archive

Universities in SWEDEN

University Nominee(s) Nominator(s)
Stockholm University 52 137
Uppsala University 98 119
Swedish Gas-Accumulator Co. 1 1
Royal Institute of Technology 4 30
Medical Nobel Institute 5 2
Karolinska Institutet 125 94
Lund University 24 82
Röntgen Institutet 1 0
Royal Science and Literary Society (Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället) 1 17
Member of the Swedish Academy (Svenska Akademien) 3 4
Swedish Academy (Svenska Akademien) 9 290
The Swedish Academy (Svenska Akademien) 43 95
Chalmers University of Technology 28 0
Forest Products Laboratory 1 0
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute 1 0
KTH Royal Institute of Technology 40 1
Academy of Sciences 0 2
Academy of Agriculture 0 5
State Bacteriological Laboratory 0 5
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 0 2
Swedish National Veterinary Institute 0 6
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities 0 38
University of Gothenburg 0 27
Royal Society of Letters at Lund (Kgl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet in Lund) 0 16
Royal Society for the publ. of documents concerning the history of Scandinavia 0 4
Society for Swedish authors (Sveriges författarförening) 0 1
Swedish PEN Centre (Pennklubben) 0 1
Estonian PEN centre 0 1
The PEN-Club 0 1
Royal Society of issuance of manuscripts on the history of Scandinavia 0 1
University of Sheffield 0 1
University of Umeå 0 2