Nomination archive

29 nominations

Nominee(s) Nominator(s)  
Jaroslav (Emil) Vrchlicky´ (Frida) Arnost Kraus Show »
Albert de Mun René Bazin Show »
Georgios Souris The president and secretary of the Hellenic philological society Show »
Salvador Rueda Professors at the Cardenal Cisneros Institute Show »
Salvador Rueda Members of Los Centros Españoles de Cuba Show »
Maurice Maeterlinck Carl Bildt Show »
Antonio Fogazzaro Johan Vising Show »
Rafael Altamira y Crevea The rector of the university in Oviedo Show »
Ernst von der Recke Ewert Wrangel Show »
Ernst von der Recke 20 professors and members of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Show »
Molly Seawell Charles Kent Show »
Angel Guimerà y Jorge 16 members of Royal Academy of Fine Letters (Real Academia de Buenas Letras) Show »
Pierre (Louis M.) Loti (Viaud) 20 members of the French Academy (Académie française) Show »
Gustav Fröding Simon Boëthius Show »
Gustav Fröding Adolf Noreen Show »
Harald Höffding Christen Collin Show »
George Bernard Shaw Gilbert Murray Show »
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Peter Rosegger
Karl Schönherr
Emil Reich Show »
Juhani Aho (Brofeldt) Leo Mechelin Show »
Juhani Aho (Brofeldt) Johan Ruuth Show »
Karl Gjellerup Ludwig Schemann Show »
Karl Gjellerup Vilhelm Andersen
Harald Höffding
Show »
Martin Greif August Sauer Show »
John Morley 21 members of the Society of Authors Show »
Thomas Hardy 2 members of the Society of Authors Show »
Henry James 3 members of the Society of Authors Show »
Verner von Heidenstam Fredrik Wulff Show »
Francesco d´Ovidio Ernesto Monaci Show »
Anatole (Jacques) France (Thibault) Paul Hervieu Show »