Nomination archive

26 nominations

Nominee(s) Nominator(s)  
Jan Machar Arnost Kraus
Several professors
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Carl Spitteler 49 members of The Nobel Prize Committee of the Society of Authors Show »
Adolf Frey
Carl Spitteler
Wilhelm Oechsli Show »
Dmitry Merezhkovsky Nestor Kotlyarevsky Show »
René Bazin Pierre Loti Show »
Henri Bergson Vitalis Norström Show »
Karl Gjellerup Harald Höffding
Several members of Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
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Edmond Picard Maurice Maeterlinck Show »
Jean-Henry Fabre Johan Vising Show »
Willem Kloos Maurice Maeterlinck
Several professors
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Grazia Deledda (Madesani) Carl Bildt Show »
Angel Guimerà y Jorge Fredrik Wulff Show »
Angel Guimerà y Jorge Members of Royal Academy of Fine Letters (Real Academia de Buenas Letras) Show »
Harald Höffding Claudius Wilkens Show »
Harald Höffding Valdemar Vedel Show »
Salvatore Farina Members of the Lombardy Institute, Academy of Sciences and Letters Show »
William Yeats George Plunkett Show »
Thomas Hardy Members of the Royal Society of Literature Show »
Dora Melegari Louis Duchesne Show »
Paul Bourget René Bazin Show »
Benito Pérez Galdós José Echegaray y Eizaguirre
2 members of the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy)
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Ernst von der Recke 11 professors and members of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Show »
Antonio Serra y Morant Eloy Señan y Alonso Show »
Juhani Aho (Brofeldt) Erik Axel Karlfeldt Show »
Émile Faguet Harald Hjärne Show »
Vilhelm Grønbech Harald Hjärne Show »