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Showing rows 101 - 150 out of total 20671

Cat. Year Nominee(s) Nominator(s)  
Phy 1904 Julius Elster
Hans Geitel
Adolf von Baeyer Show »
Phy 1904 Philipp E.A. v. Lenard
Oliver Heaviside
Vilhelm Bjerknes Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Wilhelm Hallwachs Show »
Phy 1904 Friedrich Kohlrausch
Philipp E.A. v. Lenard
Arthur Schuster
Wilhelm Hallwachs Show »
Phy 1904 Gabriel Lippmann Marcellin Berthelot Show »
Phy 1904 Gabriel Lippmann
Henri Poincaré
Henri Becquerel Show »
Phy 1904 Gabriel Lippmann
Henri Poincaré
Gaston Darboux Show »
Phy 1904 Albert Michelson Edward Pickering Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh
Sir William Ramsay
Max Planck Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Friedrich Kohlrausch Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Norman Lockyer Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Oliver Lodge Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh John Lubbock Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Simon Thompson Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Sir Joseph Thomson Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh William Thomson, Lord Kelvin Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Jacobus van´t Hoff Show »
Phy 1904 John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Emil Warburg Show »
Phy 1905 Ernst Abbe Adolf Winkelmann Show »
Phy 1905 René Blondlot Charles Bouchard Show »
Phy 1905 Ludwig Boltzmann Max Planck Show »
Phy 1905 Ferdinand Braun Georg Quincke Show »
Phy 1905 Sir James Dewar
Petr Lebedev
Orest Khvol´son Show »
Phy 1905 Julius Elster
Hans Geitel
Adolf von Baeyer Show »
Phy 1905 Oliver Heaviside
Philipp E.A. v. Lenard
Vilhelm Bjerknes Show »
Phy 1905 Heinrich Kayser Wilhelm Julius Show »
Phy 1905 Friedrich Kohlrausch Emil Warburg Show »
Phy 1905 Philipp E.A. v. Lenard Jacobus van´t Hoff Show »
Phy 1905 Gabriel Lippmann Marcellin Berthelot Show »
Phy 1905 Gabriel Lippmann Edmond Bouty Show »
Phy 1905 Gabriel Lippmann Henri Pellat Show »
Phy 1905 Augusto Righi Henri Poincaré Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Marie Curie Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Pierre Curie Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Norman Lockyer Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Oliver Lodge Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson John Lubbock Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Sir William Ramsay Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Silvanus Thompson Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson William Thomson, Lord Kelvin Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson William White Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Henri du Bois Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Hendrik Lorentz Show »
Phy 1905 Sir Joseph Thomson Wilhelm Röntgen Show »
Phy 1906 Ludwig Boltzmann Vincenz Czerny Show »
Phy 1906 Ludwig Boltzmann Philipp E.A. v. Lenard Show »
Phy 1906 Ludwig Boltzmann Max Planck Show »
Phy 1906 Ferdinand Braun Georg Quincke Show »
Phy 1906 Ferdinand Braun Adolf Winkelmann Show »


Note that if you search for gender, university, city and/or country, you search among the subset of nominations that contain this information. See the manual for more information


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