Nomination archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:1 - 1
Name:Oswald Balzer
Year, Birth:1858
Year, Death:1933
Profession:Professor of Law (Jurisprudence)
University:Lemberg (now Lviv, SU)
City:Lemberg (now Lviv)
Country:POLAND (PL)
Name: The Faculty of Law at the University of Lemberg (Dabkowski)
Profession:Professors of Law
University:Lemberg (now Lviv, SU)
City:Lemberg (now Lviv)
Country:POLAND (PL)
Comments: Dabkowski was Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Lemberg. Galicia became part of Poland after World War I. When World War II began, the Soviet Union united eastern Galicia with the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Following the war, eastern Galicia remained a part of the U.S.S.R. (after 1991, part of Ukraine), while western Polish-settled Galicia became part to Poland.