Nomination archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:2 - 1
Name:Count Albert Apponyi
Year, Birth:1846
Year, Death:1933
Profession:Member of the Hungarian parliament. Former Cabinet Minister
Country:HUNGARY (HU)
Motivation:Apponyi promoted inter-parliamentary peace work and international arbitration. Delegate to all inter-parliamentary peace conferences since 1895 (except Brussels 1897). He initiated a proposal intended to make compulsory the establishment of pressure groups working for peace by the national inter-parliamentary groups. Apponyi had founded such a group in Hungary. He represented Hungary in the Council of the League of Nations in 1925, and was an advocate for disarmament.
Name: The professors at the Faculty of Law at the Elisabeth University of Pécs
Profession:Professors of Law
University:Elizabeth University of Pécs
Country:HUNGARY (HU)
Comments: Apponyi was on the short list, but no new evaluation was requested.