Romulo Gallegos
Lastname/org: | Gallegos |
Firstname: | Romulo |
Gender: | M |
Year, Birth: | 1884 |
Year, Death: | 1969 |
Nominee in 16 nominations:
- Literature 1951 by Asociación des Escritores Venezolanos
- Literature 1951 by Margot Arce de Vázquez , Francisco Matos Paoli , Julia Braschi, Angel Luis Morales, Manuel Siaca, Lewis Richardson, Luis Alberto Sanchez, Manuel Garcia Diaz, David McWilliams, Siguen Firmas
- Literature 1959 by José Manuel Núñez Ponte, Rafael Yepes Trujillo, Luis Yépez, Edgar Sanabria, N. E. Monseignor Navarro, José Ramon Ayala, Simon Planas Suárez, Guillermo Trujillo Durán, Ramón Díaz Sánchez, Pedro Pablo Barnola, Rafael Angarita Arvelo, Luis Barrios Cruz, Jorge Schmidke, Arturo Uslar Pietri
- Literature 1960 by The Brazilian PEN-Club
- Literature 1960 by Several South American proposers
- Literature 1961 by Venezuelan Academy of Language
- Literature 1961 by Angel del Rio
- Literature 1961 by Eugenio Florit
- Literature 1961 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1961 by Several professors
- Literature 1962 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1963 by Eugenio Florit
- Literature 1963 by Gustavo Luis Carrera
- Literature 1964 by J.C.J. Metford
- Literature 1966 by Andrés Iduarte Foucher
- Literature 1967 by Lars Gyllensten