Concha Espina de la Serna
Lastname/org: | Espina de la Serna |
Firstname: | Concha |
Gender: | F |
Year, Birth: | 1869 |
Year, Death: | 1955 |
Nominee in 25 nominations:
- Literature 1926 by Jacinto Benavente
- Literature 1926 by Ricardo León
- Literature 1926 by Arturo Farinelli
- Literature 1926 by Georges Cirot
- Literature 1927 by Salomon Leopold Rosenberg
- Literature 1928 by Fredrik Wulff
- Literature 1928 by Rodolfo Lenz
- Literature 1929 by Fredrik Wulff
- Literature 1929 by Professors
- Literature 1930 by Gabriel Boussagol
- Literature 1930 by Fredrik Wulff
- Literature 1931 by Fredrik Wulff
- Literature 1931 by Cipriano Muños y Manzano
- Literature 1931 by Antonio Rubio y Lluch, Jeromenico Rodriguez Maria, Ricardo León, Leopoldo l. Garag, Carlos María Cortezo
- Literature 1931 by Hugo Obermaier, Luis Redonet
- Literature 1931 by Alfred Baudrillart
- Literature 1931 by Jacinto Benavente
- Literature 1931 by 49 members of The Nobel Prize Committee of the Society of Authors
- Literature 1932 by John Fitz-Gerald
- Literature 1932 by Rudolf Slabý
- Literature 1952 by Jacinto Benavente
- Literature 1952 by Gerardo Diego
- Literature 1952 by José Maria Peman
- Literature 1952 by Royal Academy of Sciences, belles-lettres and fine Arts
- Literature 1954 by Jacinto Benavente