Ramón Menéndez Pidal
Lastname/org: | Menéndez Pidal |
Firstname: | Ramón |
Gender: | M |
Year, Birth: | 1869 |
Year, Death: | 1968 |
Nominee in 154 nominations:
- Literature 1931 by 27 members of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española )
- Literature 1931 by Santiago Ramon y Cajàl
- Literature 1931 by 21 members of the Royal Academy of History
- Literature 1931 by 6 members of Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Toledo
- Literature 1931 by 14 members of the Portuguese Academy of Science
- Literature 1931 by 7 members of Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Brussels;
- Literature 1931 by 52 representatives
- Literature 1931 by 49 members of The Nobel Prize Committee of the Society of Authors
- Literature 1932 by 30 members of the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española )
- Literature 1932 by Erik Staaff
- Literature 1934 by Per Hallström
- Literature 1938 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1939 by Knut Hjalmar Leonard Hammarskjöld
- Literature 1948 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1949 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1950 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1951 by Chilean Academy of Language (Academia Chilena de la Lengua)
- Literature 1951 by Alonso Zamora Vicente
- Literature 1951 by Walther von Wartburg
- Literature 1951 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1952 by Royal Spanish Academy
- Literature 1952 by Chilean Academy of Language (Academia Chilena de la Lengua)
- Literature 1952 by Academie Argentina de Letras
- Literature 1952 by 100 institutions and individuals
- Literature 1953 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1954 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1955 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1955 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1956 by Fritz Krüger
- Literature 1956 by Members of the Spanish Royal Academy (Real Academia Espanola)
- Literature 1956 by H van Waeyenbergh
- Literature 1956 by Paulo de Medeyros
- Literature 1956 by Cuban Academy of Language (Academia Cubana de Lengua)
- Literature 1956 by Andreas Blinkenberg
- Literature 1956 by William Atkinson
- Literature 1956 by Fredrik Norman
- Literature 1956 by A Parker
- Literature 1956 by J Rees
- Literature 1956 by P Russell
- Literature 1956 by Albert Sloman
- Literature 1956 by Edward Wilson
- Literature 1956 by Jesús Castañon
- Literature 1956 by Manuel Briones
- Literature 1956 by Veikko Väänänen
- Literature 1956 by R Cantel
- Literature 1956 by E Kohler
- Literature 1956 by Elie Lambert
- Literature 1956 by P Le Gentil
- Literature 1956 by William Nitze
- Literature 1956 by Robert Ricard
- Literature 1956 by Aurelio Vinas
- Literature 1956 by J van Praag
- Literature 1956 by E Arnould, E Riley
- Literature 1956 by F Battaglia
- Literature 1956 by Alfonsina Braun
- Literature 1956 by Angelo Monteverdi
- Literature 1956 by Fukutaro Okui
- Literature 1956 by Fouad Boustany
- Literature 1956 by Nobumoto Ohama
- Literature 1956 by Júlio Dantas
- Literature 1956 by Salvadoran Academy of language
- Literature 1956 by Rámon Sugranyes de Franch
- Literature 1956 by Walther von Wartburg
- Literature 1956 by Member
- Literature 1956 by Julio Casares
- Literature 1956 by Vicente Garcia de Diego
- Literature 1956 by Rafael Lapesa
- Literature 1956 by Melchior Fernández Almagro
- Literature 1956 by Gerardo Diego
- Literature 1956 by 13 members
- Literature 1956 by Ramón de Abadal
- Literature 1956 by 14 members
- Literature 1956 by 12 professors in Spanish, M Ruipérez, Juan Maluquer de Motes
- Literature 1956 by University of Sevilla (Faculty of Arts)
- Literature 1956 by Francisco Yndurain
- Literature 1956 by Emilio Alarcos García, Vicente Palacio Atard, Luis Suárez Fernández, Juan José Martin Gonzalez, Alfonso Corral Castanedo
- Literature 1956 by Manuel Alvar
- Literature 1956 by Antonio Llorente Maldonado, Emilio Orozco Díaz, Antonio Gallego Morell
- Literature 1956 by Antonio Badia Margarit
- Literature 1956 by Martín de Riquer Morera
- Literature 1956 by 14 professors
- Literature 1956 by Martín de Riquer Morera
- Literature 1956 by Emiliano Diez Echarri
- Literature 1956 by Emilio Alarcos Llorach
- Literature 1956 by Rafael Benitez Claros
- Literature 1956 by Luis Redonet
- Literature 1956 by Gabriel Maura
- Literature 1956 by Alfredo Kindelán
- Literature 1956 by 16 members of the Royal Academy of History
- Literature 1956 by Alonso Zamora Vicente
- Literature 1956 by Leonida Biancolini
- Literature 1956 by Angel Valbuena Prat
- Literature 1956 by Mariano Baquero Goyanes
- Literature 1956 by Manuel Munoz Cortes, Angel Valbuena Prat, Mariano Baquero Goyanes, Luciano de la Calzada
- Literature 1956 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1956 by Khalil Mardam Bey
- Literature 1956 by O Deutschmann
- Literature 1956 by Hans Flasche
- Literature 1956 by H Friedrich
- Literature 1956 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1956 by Wilhelm Kellermann
- Literature 1956 by Erhard Lommatzsch
- Literature 1956 by Harri Meier, Wilhelm Neuss
- Literature 1956 by Günther Reichenkron, Fritz Neubert
- Literature 1956 by Hans Rheinfelder
- Literature 1956 by Erich Freiherr von Richthofen
- Literature 1956 by Edmund Schramm
- Literature 1956 by Maria Rosa Lida de Malkiel, Yakov Malkiel
- Literature 1956 by John Corominas
- Literature 1956 by William Fichter
- Literature 1956 by S Griswold Morley
- Literature 1956 by Raimundo Lida
- Literature 1956 by Juan Lopez-Morillas
- Literature 1956 by Edwin Morby
- Literature 1956 by L.P. Peckham, Leo Spitzer
- Literature 1956 by Norman Torrey, James Shearer, Vicente Gaos, Ernesto Da Cal, Gaston Gille, Hispanic Society of America, Francisco Sanchez Castaner, Harry Kurz, John Spagnoli, René Taupin, Maír José Benardete, Angel del Rio, Amalia de del Rio, Tomas Navarro, Joaquin Casalduero, Leo Spitzer
- Literature 1956 by Raymond Willis
- Literature 1956 by Concha Zardoya
- Literature 1956 by William Smith
- Literature 1956 by Mariano Picon Salas
- Literature 1956 by José Ramon Ayala
- Literature 1956 by 9 professors at the faculty of Humanities
- Literature 1956 by Angel Rosenblat
- Literature 1957 by A Burger
- Literature 1957 by Hans Rheinfelder
- Literature 1957 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1958 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1958 by Edward Wilson
- Literature 1958 by A Parker
- Literature 1958 by Several professors
- Literature 1959 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1959 by Hans Rheinfelder
- Literature 1960 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1960 by Jules Horrent
- Literature 1960 by Academie Argentina de Letras
- Literature 1961 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1961 by J van Praag
- Literature 1961 by Walter Pabst
- Literature 1962 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1962 by Bolivian Academy of Language
- Literature 1963 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1963 by A Mas
- Literature 1963 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1964 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1965 by O Deutschmann
- Literature 1965 by Hans Flasche
- Literature 1965 by H Baader
- Literature 1965 by Rudolf Grossmann
- Literature 1965 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1966 by Henri Guiter
- Literature 1966 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1967 by Marcel Édouard Bataillon
- Literature 1967 by Gunnar Tilander
- Literature 1968 by
Nominator in 6 nominations:
- Literature 1931 for Ramón Pérez de Ayala
- Literature 1934 for Ramón Pérez de Ayala
- Literature 1951 for José Ortega y Gasset
- Literature 1951 for José Ortega y Gasset
- Literature 1954 for Ricardo Rojas
- Literature 1964 for José Maria Peman