Alfred Nobel

It is a lovely summer’s eve. I’ve left The crowded city’s busy haunts to breathe A purer air in the delicious place Where the deep solitude is seldom broken By distant steps, or sounds of human voice; For Vice holds here no Fair to tempt the crowd Who ever flock where Lewdness leads the way…


  Alas, Alas, the mirror’s retrospection Is all that time has left us of that age, And even that is but a faint reflection Of what is written on that beauteous page The history of childhood and of youth Ere sweetest day-dreams have been quenched by truth, If truth it be while that takes Minerva’s…


A memorial address by Tore Frängsmyr The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences26 March 1996 Probably no Swede is as well-known throughout the world as Alfred Nobel – not our medieval saints, nor even our contemporary sports heroes. At the same time, we must admit that his renown is more indirect than direct. This means that…


Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer, entrepreneur and business man Alfred Nobel had acquired 355 patents worldwide when he died in 1896. He invented dynamite and experimented in making synthetic rubber, leather and artificial silk among many other things. Here is a list of 29 Swedish and 58 English patents. Swedish patents 1863. Patent number 1261. Ways…


by Nils Ringertz Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833. His father, , was an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. In connection with his construction work Immanuel Nobel also experimented with different techniques for blasting rocks. Alfred’s mother, born , came from…


Born in Stockholm On October 21, 1833 a baby boy was born to a family in Stockholm, Sweden who was to become a famous scientist, , businessman and founder of the Nobel Prizes. His father was Immanuel Nobel and his mother was Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. They named their son Alfred. Alfred’s father was an engineer…


This a selection of standard works about the life and work of Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel. Networks of Innovation by U. Larsson Nobel Museum Archives; 10, published by the Nobel Museum, Stockholm, 2008, distributed in the USA and Canada by Science History Publications, USA ISSN 1404-7586 ISBN N-0-88135-399-X In English Alfred Nobel by T. Frängsmyr Published…


Alfred Nobel’s huge interest in literature and writing is reflected in his book collections. After his death he left a private library of over 1500 volumes, mostly fiction in the original language, works by the great writers of the 19th century, but also the classics and works by philosophers, theologians, historians and other scientists. The…


  by Ragnhild Lundström Introduction For hundreds of years, black powder was the only explosive available for civilian as well as military purposes. Alfred Nobel’s invention of the detonator ensured a controlled explosion of nitroglycerine and made it possible to introduce this much stronger explosive on the civilian explosives market. His second important invention, dynamite,…


Introduction Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) – scientist, author and pacifist, but above all the inventor of dynamite and holder of 355 patents – shaped as a human being in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the Russian capital where different nationalities and cultures mixed and where science and literature developed in a dynamic interaction between Western European tradition…
