Alfred Nobel

The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Miscellaneous The material was compiled in 1996 (Åke Erlandsson: Humanities) and 1997 (Niklas Mattsson: Sciences).


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Humanities Geography Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Agrell Alfhild I Stockholm, också en resebeskrifning af Lovisa Petterkvist. Sthlm 1892 Hugo Gebers Dubarry Armand Voyage au Dah. Düben…


Sciences Periodicals and Reports Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Allmänna   Allmänna Svenska Utsädesföreningens Årsberättelser 1886-1888. Malmö 1889 Annales   Annales de chimie et de physique. Par Chevreul… avec la collab. de Bertin. Sér. 5. T. 7-24. 1876-81. Paris 1876-1881 Gauthier-Villars Annales   Annales scientifiques de l’Ècole normale supérieure.…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Humanities History Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Allen Carl Ferdinand Histoire de Danemark depuis les temps les plus réculés jusqu’à nos jours. 1-2. Copenhague 1878 F. Høst…


Humanities Religion and Mythology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Bonggren Jakob Bibeln mot Bibeln. Oumbärlig handbok för alla som komma i beröring med bibeldyrkare. Af Volontaire. [Häfte] Sthlm 1879 Leufsted Bibeln   Bibeln eller Den Heliga Skrift i en från grundtexten utförd, efter Lutherska kyrkobibeln lämpad öfversättning, med nödiga…


by Birgitta Lemmel The explosives plant at Vinterviken (Winter Bay) just outside Stockholm, Nitroglycerin Aktiebolaget, was Alfred Nobel’s very first company. The manufacture of nitroglycerine on an industrial scale started there as early as 1865, and for more than fifty years the Vinterviken factory was to deliver Nobel explosives and blasting devices of various kinds…
