Special regulations for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize

Special Regulations for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Norwegian Nobel Institute, etc. adopted by the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting* on the 10th day of April in the year 1905 (including amendments of 1977, 1991, 1994, 1998 and 2000)


§ 1
On 5 August 1897, the Storting came to the following decision concerning the election of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:

“On the nomination of the election committee, the five persons who are to undertake the award of the prize shall be elected every third year. After three years, two of those chosen shall retire, and subsequently every third year three and two alternately. In addition three deputies shall be elected every third year. The retiring members are eligible for re-election”.

§ 2
For each calendar year the Norwegian Nobel Committee shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman. He/she shall decide urgent matters of principle. A report on such matters shall be submitted to the following meeting of the Committee.

The Committee shall appoint a secretary to prepare the business that is submitted to the Committee. The annual accounts of the Committee and the Institute shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary. Six months’ notice of termination on either side shall apply to the position of secretary.


§ 3
In order to be considered for the award of the year, nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize shall be sent in to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo before the 1st day of February the same year.

The right to submit proposals for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize shall be enjoyed by:
1. Members of national assemblies and governments of states;
2. Members of international courts;
3. University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes;
4. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
5. Board members of organizations who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
6. Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1.)
7. Former advisers appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

§ 4
The Nobel Peace Prize may also be awarded to institutions and associations.


§ 5
The Nobel Institute is established by and is under the management of the Norwegian Nobel Committee in conformity with the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation.

§ 6
The object of the Institute shall be to follow the development of international relations, especially the work for their peaceful adjustment, and thereby to guide the Committee in the matter of the award of the prize.

It shall also work for mutual knowledge and respect, for peaceful intercourse, justice and fellowship between nations.

§ 7
The Institute shall have a library and a reading-room. It shall pursue scholarly activities and popular educational work.
The Institute may provide financial support to related work in Norway and abroad.

§ 8
The Nobel Committee shall determine the expenditure of the Institute and engage its staff. Every other year, a report shall be submitted to the Storting.

§ 9
Instructions concerning the election of members of the Nobel Committee shall be approved by the Storting.

Proposals for amendments to other provisions of these regulations may be put forward by members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee or by members of the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation. Before the Norwegian Nobel Committee makes a decision concerning the proposal, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation for an opinion.

Decision of the Storting on 24 June 1937:

” The rules for the election of members of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting (the Norwegian Nobel Committee) are amended as follows:

If a member of the Committee is appointed a member of the Government during his period of office, or if a member of the Government is elected a member of the Committee, he shall resign from the Committee for as long as he continues in office as a Minister, and his place on the Committee shall be assumed in his stead by the first deputy member.

If any person who is elected to be a member of the Nobel Committee does not wish to accept election, he must inform the Storting to this effect within fourteen days of the election. If a member who has accepted election subsequently finds that he ought to resign, he must notify the presidium of the Storting without delay. A new election must then be held as soon as possible on nomination of the election committee; if the Storting is not in session, the presidium may make an interim appointment in consultation with the chairman and vice-chairman of the election committee.”

* The name of this Committee was changed to ‘The Norwegian Nobel Committee’ from 1 January 1977.

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MLA style: Special regulations for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach 2025. Wed. 26 Mar 2025. <https://www.nobelprize.org/organization/special-regulations-for-the-award-of-the-nobel-peace-prize/>