
Curriculum Vitae

The following is the curriculum vitae of Paul Josef Crutzen, born 3 December, 1933, in Amsterdam, Holland, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany. He is married, with two children. Education High School: 1946-1951, Amsterdam, Holland. Civil Engineering, 1951-1954, Amsterdam, Holland. Academic Studies and Research Activities 1959-1973 at the University of Stockholm M.Sc.…



I was the kid with the funny name in my form. That is one of the earliest memories I have of school (except for being forced to finish school dinners). Other kids had typical Lancashire names such as Chadderton, Entwistle, Fairhurst, Higginbottom, Mottershead and Thistlethwaite though I must admit that there were the odd Smith,…
