

Interview transcript Professor Robert Huber, thank you for joining us here in Lindau. Today and during the Lindau Meeting there are many opportunities for young students to meet great scientists. What does it give you? Robert Huber: I like to interact, to speak with students, and I just like to encourage them…


Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen, On this occasion I have much to celebrate. I rejoice in the opportunities I have had in many diverse branches of science over the past fifty years. Starting in mathematics, using fundamental principles of physics, aided by developing power of computer science I have…



Interview transcript Professor Kohn, thank you for seeing us today, it’s very nice to meet you. You got the Prize in Chemistry 1998 and that took a few … that was quite a number of years after you did your remarkable discovery. How have you dealt with this prize, this award and…



Interview transcript Dr Richard Ernst, welcome to this Nobel interview. You come from Zurich and from the very famous school there, University ETH where also have studied for about 100 years ago. But today you are very critical to the way the university function in the society. What are the major drawbacks…



Interview transcript Tsung-Dao Lee, co-recipient of the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics together with Chen Ning Yang, welcome to Stockholm. You are back here in 2007 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of that award. Looking back at your being awarded the Nobel Prize in 1957, do you think the public perception of…



Interview transcript Thank you Professor for coming to this interview with us. Professor Curl, I believe I read something about you, that you got your first chemistry box when you were quite a small child? Robert F. Curl Jr.: That’s right. Was that how it all started? Robert F. Curl Jr.: Yes,…
