Economic Sciences

Press release

20 October 1982 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS IS AWARDED FOR RESEARCH ON MARKET PROCESSES AND THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF PUBLIC REGULATION has decided to award the 1982 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science to Professor George Stigler, University of Chicago, USA, for his seminal studies of industrial structures, functioning of markets and…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Assar Lindbeck of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, One of the most common prejudices among ordinary people concerning economics is that it is mainly about money and finance. However, in the case of this year’s prize in economics, this conception is in…



I studied economics and made it my career for two reasons. The subject was and is intellectually fascinating and challenging, particularly to someone with taste and talent for theoretical reasoning and quantitative analysis. At the same time it offered the hope, as it still does, that improved understanding could better the lot of mankind. For…


Press release

15 October 1980 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS AWARDED FOR EMPIRICAL ANALYSES OF BUSINESS FLUCTUATIONS has decided to award the 1980 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor Lawrence R. Klein, University of Pennsylvania, USA, for the creation of economic models and their application to the analysis of economic fluctuations and economic policies.…


Press release

13 October 1981 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS AWARDED FOR RESEARCH ON THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND ITS EFFECTS ON INFLATION AND EMPLOYMENT has decided to award the 1981 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor James Tobin, Yale University, USA, for his analysis of financial markets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment,…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Herman Wold of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. The great economic depression in the early and mid-1930’s marks the beginning of a new epoch in economic politics and economic science. The scourge of unemployment was severe and lasting, until it was swamped…
