

“If You Desire Peace, Cultivate Justice” by Juan Somavia Director-General of the International Labour Organization 7 May 2002 In awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1969, the Nobel Committee referred to the motto enshrined in the foundations of the ILO’s original building in Geneva, “Si vis pacem, cole justitiam”…


Nobel Lecture

Acceptance and Nobel Lecture, 10 December 1993 Your Majesty the King, Your Royal Highness, Esteemed Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Honourable Prime Minister, Madame Gro Harlem Brundtland, Ministers, Members of Parliament and Ambassadors, Fellow Laureate, Mr. F.W. de Klerk, Distinguished Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, I extend my heartfelt thanks to…


Acceptance Speech

English (Translation) Your Majesty, Mr. President of the , Committee Members, Ladies and Gentlemen: With humility I stand before you to receive the high distinction that the Nobel Committee and the Parliament grant to those who have committed their lives on behalf of peace and to the pursuit of justice and solidarity…


Nobel Lecture

English Nobel Lecture, June 5, 1991 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, This moment is no less emotional for me than the one when I first learned about the decision of the Nobel Committee. For on similar occasions great men addressed humankind – men famous for their courage in working to bring together…
