
I was born in New York, New York, on July 31, 1944, the middle child between two sisters, Stephanie and Vanessa. I grew up in Hastings-on-Hudson, a village of about 8000 outside the city, in a house that Vanessa and her family live in today. My father, born in Philadelphia the son of immigrant parents,…


Advanced information

  Additional background material on the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1997 14 October 1997 has decided to award the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1997, to Professor Robert C. Merton, Harvard University, and Professor Myron S. Scholes, Stanford University for…


Press release

Italian L’Accademia di Svezia Il Segretario perpetuo Comunicato stampa 9 ottobre 1997 Premio Nobel per la letteratura 1997 Dario Fo “che nella tradizione dei giullari medievali fustiga il potere e riabilita la dignità degli umiliati” Il drammaturgo e attore Dario Fo, nato vicino al Lago Maggiore, ha 71 anni. La sua formazione comprende, fra l’altro,…


Press release

French Académie suédoise Le secrétaire perpétuel Communiqué de presse Le 9 octobre 1997 Prix Nobel de littérature 1997 Dario Fo « qui, dans la tradition des bateleurs médiévaux, fustige le pouvoir et restaure la dignité des humiliés » Le dramaturge et acteur Dario Fo, né près du lac Majeur, a soixante et onze ans. Sa…


Press release

German Die Schwedische Akademie Der Ständige Sekretär Pressemitteilung 9. Oktober 1997 Der Nobelpreis für Literatur 1997 Dario Fo “der in Nachfolge der mittelalterlichen Gaukler die Macht geisselt und die Würde der Schwachen und Gedemütigten wiederaufrichtet” Der Dramatiker und Schauspieler Dario Fo, geboren am Lago Maggiore, ist 71 Jahre alt. Im Rahmen seiner Ausbildung studierte er…


Speech by Professor , Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Nobel Foundation. (Translation of the Swedish text.) Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Nobel Foundation, I welcome you to the 1997 Prize Award Ceremony. I would especially like to welcome this year’s laureates to the Nobel festivities in…


Galette aux topinambours de saumon fumé de Landskrona et de homard Poitrine de pigeonneau sauvage et petit ragoût aux bolets à la compote de pommes de terre et d´oignons, sauce aigre-douce au vinaigre de framboise Glace Nobel Parfait glace à la fleur de sureau et au sorbet à la fraise VINS Champagne Pommery 1991, Brut…
