Gao Xingjian – Interview
Interview transcript (in French) Bonjour, je m’appelle Horace Engdahl et j’exercise la fonction de secrétaire perpétuel à l’Académie Suédoise, et je souhaite le bienvenu au Lauréat du Prix Nobel de Littérature de l’année 2000, Monsieur Gao Xingjian. Gao Xingjian: Bonjour. Gao Xingjian … Quand on a commencé de vous lire à l’Occident…
moreThe Nobel Banquet 2000
9 photos To cite this pageMLA style: “Photo gallery – The Nobel Banquet 2000”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreGao Xingjian – Biographical
Gao Xingjian, born January 4, 1940 in Ganzhou (Jiangxi province) in eastern China, is today a French citizen. Writer of prose, translator, dramatist, director, critic and artist. Gao Xingjian grew up during the aftermath of the Japanese invasion, his father was a bank official and his mother an amateur actress who stimulated the young Gao’s…
English Biobibliographical Notes Gao Xingjian, born January 4, 1940 in Ganzhou (Jiangxi province) in eastern China, is today a French citizen. Writer of prose, translator, dramatist, director, critic and artist. Gao Xingjian grew up during the aftermath of the Japanese invasion, his father was a bank official and his mother an amateur actress who stimulated…
moreJames J. Heckman – Biographical
I was born in the Chicago, IL neighbourhood of Hyde Park on April, 1944, to my parent Bernice Irene Medley Heckman and John Jacob Heckman. I have one sister, Jean Ellen Heckman Bates, who is four years older. Although I was born near the University of Chicago, my family was not connected with it. Our…
morePress release
Press release
English October 11, 2000 has decided that the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2000, will be shared between James J. Heckman University of Chicago, USA, and Daniel L. McFadden University of California, Berkeley, USA. In the field of microeconometrics, each of the laureates has developed theory and methods…
moreCommuniqué de presse: Prix de Sciences économiques institué par la Banque de Suède à la mémoire d´Alfred Nobel 2000
Press release
French Octobre 11, 2000 , a décidé de décerner pour l’année 2000 le Prix de Sciences économiques institué par la Banque de Suède à la mémoire d’Alfred Nobel pour moitié à James J. Heckman Université de Chicago, États-Unis, et pour moitié à Daniel L. McFadden Université de Californie, Berkeley, États-Unis Dans le domaine de la…
morePressemitteilung: der Schwedischen Reichsbank in Erinnerung an Alfred Nobel gestifteten Preis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften des Jahres 2000
Press release
German 11 Oktober 2000 hat beschlossen, den von der Schwedischen Reichsbank in Erinnerung an Alfred Nobel gestifteten Preis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften des Jahres 2000 zwischen James J. Heckman Universität Chicago, USA und Daniel L. McFadden Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley, USA aufzuteilen. Die Preisträger haben im Felde der Mikroökonometrie Theorien und Methoden entwickelt, die heute weitreichende Verwendung…
morePressmeddelande: Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne år 2000
Press release
Swedish 11 oktober 2000 har beslutat att Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne år 2000 skall delas mellan James J. Heckman University of Chicago, USA, och Daniel L. McFadden University of California, Berkeley, USA. Pristagarna har var för sig utvecklat teori och metoder inom området mikroekonometri; dessa har fått stor användning…
morePopular information
Popular information
English Information for the Public October 11, 2000 James Heckman and Daniel McFadden have each developed theory and methods that are widely used in the statistical analysis of individual and household behavior, within economics as well as other social sciences. Microeconometrics and Microdata Microeconometrics is an interface between economics and statistics. It encompasses economic theory…