Nobel Lecture
François Englert – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Patrick Modiano – Nobelföreläsning
Nobel Lecture
Swedish 7 december 2014 Jag vill helt enkelt säga att jag är lycklig över att vara här tillsammans med er och rörd över att ni har förärat mig Nobelpriset i litteratur. Det är första gången jag håller tal inför en så stor församling och jag bävar en aning för det. Man skulle kunna tro att…
morePatrick Modiano – Conférence Nobel
Nobel Lecture
French Le 7 décembre 2014 Je voudrais vous dire tout simplement combien je suis heureux d’être parmi vous et combien je suis ému de l’honneur que vous m’avez fait en me décernant ce prix Nobel de Littérature. C’est la première fois que je dois prononcer un discours devant une si nombreuse assemblée et j’en éprouve…
moreNelson Mandela – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Acceptance and Nobel Lecture, 10 December 1993 Your Majesty the King, Your Royal Highness, Esteemed Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Honourable Prime Minister, Madame Gro Harlem Brundtland, Ministers, Members of Parliament and Ambassadors, Fellow Laureate, Mr. F.W. de Klerk, Distinguished Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, I extend my heartfelt thanks to…
moreMikhail Gorbachev – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture, June 5, 1991 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, This moment is no less emotional for me than the one when I first learned about the decision of the Nobel Committee. For on similar occasions great men addressed humankind – men famous for their courage in working to bring together…
moreF.W. de Klerk – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Acceptance and Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1993 Your Majesties, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a little more than six years to the end of this century and to the dawning of the new millennium. In three years we will mark the centenary of Alfred Nobel’s death and in eight the…
moreElihu Root – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture Towards making peace permanent The humanitarian purpose of Alfred Nobel in establishing the peace prize which bears his name was doubtless not merely to reward those who should promote peace among nations, but to stimulate thought upon the means and methods best adapted, under the changing conditions of future years, to approach and…