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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 Chemical reactions occur at lightning speed; electrons jump between atoms hidden from the prying eyes of scientists. The Nobel Laureates in Chemistry 2013 have made it possible to map the mysterious ways of chemistry by using computers. Detailed knowledge of chemical processes makes it possible to optimize catalysts, drugs…
moreRichard F. Heck – Biographical
Richard F. Heck: Nobel Laureate in Chemistry by Luke R. Odell and Mats Larhed Richard F. Heck was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. on August 15, 1931. The only son of a housewife and a salesman, he moved to Los Angeles, California at the age of eight. His passion for chemistry began in his early…
moreAkira Suzuki – Biographical
I was born on September 12, 1930, in Mukawa – a small town in Hokkaido, Japan. I attended primary school there and entered a secondary school in Tomakomai, which is home to one of the biggest paper companies in Japan. At high school, I was interested in mathematics. Consequently, when I entered Hokkaido University in…
moreBrian K. Kobilka – Other resources
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Links to other sites Articles Buchen, L. (2011) Cell signalling caught in the act, Nature 475:273–274. Buchen, L. (2011) It’s all about the structure, Nature 476: 387–390.