Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1977 I stand here today with a sense of humility, a sense of history, and a sense of honor. I also stand here in the name of courage to give name to a challenge. I feel humble in officially receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because so many people…


Nobel Lecture

Procuring Universal Service: Putting Auction Theory to Work Lecture at the Royal Academy of Sciences, December 9, 1996 by Pdf 16 MB William Vickrey: A Pioneer in the Economics of Incentives Lecture, December 27, 1996 by Jean-Jacques Laffont Pdf 368 kB …


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, June 1, 1938 The Future of Civilization When I received the information that the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament had done me the great honour of awarding me the Nobel Peace Prize for 1937, I learned that, by the Statutes of the prize, I was to have the opportunity and duty of…


Nobel Lecture

Foredrag av Barack H. Obama i Oslo Rådhus. Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2009 Produced by NRK Norwegian Nobelforedrag av Barack H. Obama, Oslo, 10. desember, 2009. Deres majesteter, deres kongelige høyheter, ærede medlemmer av Nobelkomiteen, borgere av Amerika og borgere av verden: Jeg mottar denne hederen med dyp takknemlighet og stor ydmykhet. Det er…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1907 Protozoa as Causes of Diseases My scientific colleagues of the Caroline Institute having done me the very great honour of awarding me the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year for my work on diseases due to Protozoa, the regulations of the Nobel Foundation oblige me to give a summary of…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1905 The Current State of the Struggle against Tuberculosis Twenty years ago, tuberculosis, even in its most dangerous form, consumption, was still not considered infectious. Of course, the work of Villemin and the experimental investigations by Cohnheim and Salomonsen had already provided certain clues which suggested that this conception was false.…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 8, 1993 The Polymerase Chain Reaction In 1944 , stimulated intellectually by , published a little book called What is Life? It was an inspiration to the first of the molecular biologists, and has been, along with Delbrück himself, credited for directing the research during the next decade that solved the mystery…
