

Swedish Biobibliografi Abdulrazak Gurnah är född 1948 och uppvuxen på ön Zanzibar i Indiska oceanen men kom redan i slutet av 1960-talet som flykting till England. Efter den fredliga frigörelsen från det brittiska kolonialväldet i december 1963 uppstod på Zanzibar en revolution som, under president Abeid Karumes regim, ledde till förtryck och förföljelse av medborgare…


Press release

English The Permanent Secretary Press release 7 October 2021   The Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 Abdulrazak Gurnah The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2021 is awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, born in Zanzibar and active in England, “for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the…


Press release

Swedish Ständige sekreteraren Pressmeddelande 7 oktober 2021   Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2021 Abdulrazak Gurnah Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2021 tilldelas romanförfattaren Abdulrazak Gurnah, född på Zanzibar och verksam i England, ”för att kompromisslöst och med stor medkänsla ha genomlyst kolonialismens verkningar och flyktingens öde i klyftan mellan kulturer och kontinenter”.


We spoke to Ellen Mattson, who helps to decide the Nobel Prize in Literature, about how the prize process works. Discover more by reading our interview with her below. Can you tell us who you are? My name is Ellen Mattson. I’m a writer. A novelist. I’m a member of the Swedish Academy and also…


Can you pair the correct book title with the Nobel Prize awarded author? Drag the book title to the empty square under the laureate to pair them, and press check to see your result. Don’t recognise the laureates? Keep scrolling down for some extra help below the game. Want to try another game?


Prize presentation Watch a video clip of the 2019 Nobel Laureate in Literature, Peter Handke, receiving his Nobel Prize medal and diploma during the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on 10 December 2019.


Prize presentation Watch a video clip of the 2018 Nobel Laureate in Literature, Olga Tokarczuk, receiving her Nobel Prize medal and diploma during the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on 10 December 2019.



Iwas born April 22, 1943 in New York City, where my parents were then living. I was their second child, but the first to survive. Three years later, after my sister was born, we moved to Woodmere, Long Island, a prosperous Jewish suburb on the south shore, known, like Great Neck on the north shore,…
